How Much Money Can Be Made Starting A Group Home

<p>Let&rsquo;s get into the high-level details &mdash; at a 30,000-foot level &mdash; of the financials behind running group homes (or any of the other names they can potentially go by)</p> <p>Businesses come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it is a developer of land who purchases large tracts of land, entitles it and sells it off piece by piece; or an owner of a Thai restaurant who buys 1000 eggrolls and then sells them 1 at a time or whether it is a local bar that purchases beer by the kegs and then sells them by the individual glass &mdash; they all have one thing in common. All these business are buying in bulk and selling in smaller pieces. Renting out an apartment is the same thing. And the more apartment units you have in a building, the more rent you will take in.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Group Home