The TRUTH About Being the Miranda of Your Group of Friends

<p>&ldquo;You&rsquo;re suchhhh a Miranda,&rdquo; says a woman to another woman, hoping to destroy her self confidence. Any fan of Sex and the City knows that being the &ldquo;Miranda&rdquo; of your sexually active, slutty gal pal crew is a straight up call for suicide, or at the very least, heavily melancholic, existential rumination. I would know, because my whoreish, unimaginative female contemporaries have written me off as the Miranda of our clique for actual&nbsp;<em>years&nbsp;</em>now. It&rsquo;s devastatingly unfair. They all get to be Charlottes, Samanthas, and Carries, a.k.a., the three most confident, feminist, ultra New York chicks to ever star on an HBO network show, right? And I&rsquo;m stuck with being compared to stupid&hellip;Miranda?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Group Friends