Tag: Gratitude

Day 2 Gratitude Journal

1. Freedom. I’m thankful I am blessed to have the means to pursue my interests. I’m grateful that I was able to leave my job and search for one with greater meaning. I’m thankful that I’m financially able to take this risk and aim for the life I want. 2. Financial stability....

Day 4 of My Gratitude Challenge

Sleep. Oh, the beauty of sleep. This is by far the most critical thing to me. It truly has the power to profoundly shape my life. If I’m not getting enough of it, everything from my mental health to my physical fitness and energy suffers. Quality sleep feels so nourishing for the body and m...

The Gratitude Trap

Recently, I started an iPhone note document titled “The Words,” filled with all the words I hear so often that I hate them. This list includes the usual offenders, words like “mindfulness” and “community,” which have become so overused in the culture that they are...

Gratitude to God: A Thanksgiving Reflection

Thanksgiving Day is a distinctly American phenomenon. Though it is celebrated in Canada and other various countries, the holiday itself has its origins in America — both through its ‘First Thanksgiving’ mythology and through its official founding as a national day of commemorat...

The Gratitude Trap

Recently, I started an iPhone note document titled “The Words,” filled with all the words I hear so often that I hate them. This list includes the usual offenders, words like “mindfulness” and “community,” which have become so overused in the culture that they are...

Celebrating 20 Years of Using a Gratitude Journal

I often joke that Oprah was my first spiritual guide. Her afternoon program was more familiar to me than the stories of the Bible, and some of her guests offered inspiring stories that made me feel like I could grow up to be inspiring too. Twenty years later, I barely recall most of what I watched. ...