Day 4 of My Gratitude Challenge

<ol> <li>Sleep. Oh, the beauty of sleep. This is by far the most critical thing to me. It truly has the power to profoundly shape my life. If I&rsquo;m not getting enough of it, everything from my mental health to my physical fitness and energy suffers. Quality sleep feels so nourishing for the body and mind. There&rsquo;s nothing better than going to bed on time and getting a solid 8 hours of sleep.</li> </ol> <p>2. Air conditioning. This one might sound silly, but I did not fully appreciate it until I lost it. I live in a place that frequently is 110 degrees Fahrenheit and up, and last week, when I lost my AC cause of it breaking, it didn&rsquo;t take any time at all to become uncomfortably hot in my house. That severely limited anything I could do at home, and getting it fixed was priority number one for me. Once fixed, the joy of comfortably living and completing things at home made me so thankful for it.</p> <p>3. Laughter. I thrive off of humor and can&rsquo;t imagine life without it. Whether sitting down and watching something on TV or conversing with someone, laughter gives me life. It energizes me and makes me more happy overall. It&rsquo;s a sad day if I can&rsquo;t find anything to laugh about. I also appreciate the uniqueness of people&rsquo;s laughs and how much they speak to their identity.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>