Tag: Godot

Learning the basics of importing assets in Godot 4!

Do you have some old assets on your computer that you’d like to use in a new Godot project? Perhaps even some Unity or Unreal Engine 3D models, that don’t wanna work this time? In this video, we’re going to have an overview of Godot’s asset import system and learnt the bas...

You’re Doomed to Fail: The Sad Truth About GDScript in Godot

TLDR / Summary Unless you’re sticking to simple editor tools or isolated nodes, GDScript isn’t your friend. You’ll face minor annoyances and huge roadblocks that will seriously mess up your game development Ultimately, you’ll either abandon your project out of frustr...

Instantiate & move random 3D units (Godot 4/C#)

One of the key moment of any game dev project is when you start to combine your scenes together, and create some NPCs, mobs or objects at runtime to populate your environments. And, of course, you usually want to use some randomness to avoid having too similar visuals… So, in this tutor...

Godot Tutorial: Exporting for macOS

Do the above errors look familiar? Are you trying to sign and notarize your Godot build? Then you’re in the right place. This tutorials walks you through the steps to export, sign, and notarize your project for macOS. This tutorial assumes you are using macOS. And I’m personally using...