Tag: Genders

Gender critical obsession

Someone asked me why I wrote an article about Maya Forstater, and it set me thinking about why my personal focus has shifted over the last year onto gender critical beliefs. My honest answer is that as a research academic I am better placed than most to deconstruct their evidence, critique it, and p...

What gender transition looks like for me

Its funny when you read people’s assumption about gender transition, as if every trans person goes through the same process, same journey, or has the same outcomes. No trans people are the same, and the paths we walk are as unique as we are. What we all share is a general incongruence with our...

Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation of Studies

Gender-affirming healthcare has a long history. The first trans-related surgeries were carried out in the 1910s–1930s (Meyerowitz, 2002, pp. 16–21). While some doctors were supportive early on, most were wary. Throughout the mid-twentieth century, these skeptical doctors subjected trans ...


If you thought transgenders were a seasonal thing, I hate to break it to you, it’s not. For those of you who are puzzled, yes, there’s some folks who subconsciously thought trans people were a wave or trend that would pass. Like how teenagers get stubborn and we know they&rsquo...

On the Regulation of Gender, Sexuality, and Individual Liberty in Red States

You didn’t want to know anything more about Matt Walsh’s sophomoric prank masquerading as a documentary,¹ What is a Woman? But I read the book² by the same title over the holiday break and, as a transgender woman, I thought this might be as good a time as any to have ...

How Many Genders are There Anyway?

I started writing this article as an academic paper, but I figured it might be useful to open it up to more general audiences, in part because there’s so much confusion about the nature of gender. While to truly understand gender, it’s important to understand what something I call &ldquo...