Gender critical obsession

<p>Someone asked me why I wrote an article about Maya Forstater, and it set me thinking about why my personal focus has shifted over the last year onto gender critical beliefs. My honest answer is that as a research academic I am better placed than most to deconstruct their evidence, critique it, and provide a cogent response. Yet, this is only part of the story. In reality my personal identity also comes into play, that I feel the more I engage with gender critical feminists the more I feel impelled to do and say&nbsp;<em>something</em>. It is this compulsion that sucks my time of X, has shaped how my research is unfolding, and what I want to do post-PhD. In some respects I am obsessed, yet I also believe that given my personal academic privilege if I do not do this, who will?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>