What gender transition looks like for me

<p>Its funny when you read people&rsquo;s assumption about gender transition, as if every trans person goes through the same process, same journey, or has the same outcomes. No trans people are the same, and the paths we walk are as unique as we are. What we all share is a general incongruence with our gender identity compared to our assigned sex at birth, and that when we come out we are prepared to do something about what ever dysphoria we may be feeling. Some trans folk feel they may have been born into the wrong body, others compelled to medicalise their bodies, and yet others simply want to change their gender expression to match their inner gender identity. However we arrive at the starting point, how we proceed from there is varied, beautiful, often hard, and occasionally wonderous. This is my small snapshot of what transition looks like, trying to capture a smidgen of what it is like to be trans.</p> <p><a href="https://rejserin.medium.com/what-gender-transition-looks-like-for-me-be0df6863cef"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>