Tag: Friendship

The Tones of Friendship

Growing up, you’d say it’s not easy to make friends. As you get older, say past 40, it’s not easy to keep friends. That’s not me having a mood. It’s the gospel truth. It’s been said, “You are the friends you keep.” I won’t dispute that althoug...

Learning to play Mahjong: Lessons in Life, Loss, and Friendship

“You are playing what? Mahjong? Since when are you an old Jewish woman?” My best friend Elaine laughs when I call her three months after moving south to tell her I am learning to play mahjong. I tell Elaine I am just trying to meet people. I don’t tell Elaine how much I miss wal...

The Tones of Friendship

Growing up, you’d say it’s not easy to make friends. As you get older, say past 40, it’s not easy to keep friends. That’s not me having a mood. It’s the gospel truth. It’s been said, “You are the friends you keep.” I won’t dispute that althoug...

When “Friendship” Feels More Like a Chore: A No-Nonsense Guide to Setting Healthy Boundaries

Ladies, has anyone else felt like some of your friendships lately have started to feel more like a second job than a source of fun and support? Don’t get me wrong — as we get older, staying connected with friends does require more effort. Between careers, kids, relationships and ev...

Love and Friendship

I received the news of Dom’s death with a mixture of sadness and joy. He had been my best friend since we were toddlers, but I discovered not so long ago that I was in love with Denise. I had applied for a job in Edinburgh because of him, and almost immediately the world became aware of our...

We Were Once Two New Kids in High School Who Began a Lifelong Friendship

It was the first day of classes at Delta Secondary School, September 3rd, 1968. I had arrived in Canada — as a new immigrant — just six months earlier. I was starting Grade 11 and felt quite nervous and apprehensive about the year ahead. I was relatively new to the school. I was saddl...

Wishing for A Little More and A Little Less This Thanksgiving

I wish for more this Thanksgiving. More time with those near and dear to me. More love and friendship. More peace. More of all that money cannot buy. I also wish for less. Less of the excesses. Less hate. Less waste. Less war. Thanksgiving is decidedly bittersweet, both individually and collectiv...

A Tale of Friendship in the Face of Asian Hate

Once upon a time, in a city that never really slept but often dozed off into a restless slumber, there lived a group of friends, each a vibrant color in the tapestry of their tightly-knit community. The city was a melting pot, simmering with the hopes and dreams of many, yet sometimes the heat turne...

29 Best Friendship Shayari For Bestfriends in 2020 (Hindi/English)

Hello! If you are looking for the best Friendship / Dosti shayari, you’re at the right place. Here is the most unique and new Shayaris of 2020! Since, Friends play a very important role in living a Happy Life. It’s important to share our love and support for them. And, the best w...