Tag: Equity

Tokenization in Private Equity: Broadening Markets with Sologenic

Recent research underscores the growing interest in tokenizing private equity and hedge fund assets. A survey of fund managers across several European countries, responsible for managing approximately $546.5 billion in assets, found that 73% see private equity assets as the most likely to under...

Equity for all?

Today, I filed a lawsuit against Carta. My suit alleges claims for gender discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination in violation of public policy, violation of the California Equal Pay Act, and failure to take all reasonable steps to prevent discrimination, retaliation, and harassm...

Women Empowered at Workday: Embracing Equity in Tech

At Workday, we value inclusion, belonging, and equity. We call it VIBE™. Our goal is to continuously foster a workplace where everyone is empowered to be their best selves, where we work together toward making work days brighter for all. And that means collectively, we all must embrace eq...

Google Tech Equity Collective Rising Innovators: Ep 13: Wait! There’s Cybersecurity Too

Cybersecurity is based on anomaly detection which is based on statistics. There are 3 standard deviations in normal distribution. 1 standard deviation covers 68% of the distribution. 2 standard deviations cover 95.5% of the distribution. 3 standard deviations cover 99.7%. Anomaly detection covers th...

Google Tech Equity Collective Rising Innovators: Ep. 12: Hackbright Opportunity

We are going to get to the money people! We just have to shore up our skills. You may think that 3 and 4 hours is an insurmountable task; but, just take it 30 minutes a day and you can complete a 3-hour video in 6 days and a 4-hour video in 8 days. Please comment below if you’ve applied and...

The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are critical components of a healthy and thriving workplace culture. DEI refers to creating a work environment where individuals of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives are welcomed, respected, and valued, and where everyone has equal oppor...

Google Tech Equity Collective Rising Innovators Ep. 8 The End?

The Google Tech Equity Collective program has been okay; but, as I have said from the beginning, I dislike the on-demand part. The Google Cloud Career Program is much more hands-on with real people leading the training. I will admit after completing all of the work inside of the module, I have gone ...

Collaborative Persistence in Racial Justice & Equity Work

On June 29, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) formally rejected affirmative action at colleges and universities. Affirmative action has played a critical role in helping correct racial injustices and inequalities by ensuring equitable access to higher education for Black, Latinx,...

Beloved Community Equity Audit — Available Online Now

One of our favorite features of the Equity Audit is that it’s free. Yep! Everyone gets an equity audit! If you have 3 team members or 300 team members, your organization likely hasn’t budgeted for a deep individualized equity needs assessment. We don’t want cost to be a barrier for...

Entrepreneurship as a Way to Equity in Tech

We must also acknowledge that many of the outcomes within our economy fall into the category of features, rather than bugs. Work culture in Fortune 500 companies was designed by and for a small number of (mostly) white men. When we see limited numbers of women, people of color, and lesser represente...

Racial Equity, Allyship, and Inclusion in 2024

2024 marks Our Human Family, Inc.’s sixth year of publishing articles to advocate for racial equity, allyship, and inclusion. It’s hard to believe we’re still at it. It’s exhausting, not at all glamorous, and the pay is . . . well, that’s a story for another day. So ...

Equity, Equality, And Inclusion Dialogues: A Podcast About Who People Are

However, after you listen to the first episode with the guest, a copywriter named Dev, who is transgender, neurodivergent, and self-proclaimed aracial, you realize that the name is flawless in its description of the podcast’s tone, tempo, thoughtfulness, thoroughness, tolerance, transformative...

Diversity, Equity, and Sustainability

Let’s talk about intersectional environmentalism. It’s a term you may have heard thrown around a lot lately, but what exactly does it mean? Simply put, it’s an approach to environmentalism that recognizes the interconnectedness of social justice issues and environmental issues. It&...

Equity Over Excuses: Attracting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce

The first step towards building a diverse workforce is re-examining recruitment processes. Traditional hiring practices are often laden with unconscious biases that can inadvertently exclude qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds. To counter this, organizations must adopt strategies like blin...

Unpacking Racism in Education: A Call for Equity and Inclusion

Racism in schools is a pervasive issue that continues to impact students, educators, and communities. The educational system is intended to be a beacon of equality and opportunity but it often falls short of these ideals due to systemic biases and discriminatory practices. This paper aims to shed li...

This ‘Equity’ picture is actually White Supremacy at work

This is white supremacy. This feeds into the oh-so-familiar racist politic — people of color have little to offer, and yet take so many public resources. Heard that before haven’t you? Even those who “center equity” feed into this framework — people of color need our...

The Importance of Using Asset-Based Language When Promoting Racial Equity and Social Justice

In today’s society, there is a growing need for more inclusive and equitable communication. That’s why, as a digital communications manager with a background in community organizing, I can’t stress enough the importance of using the right language when communicating about racial...

What the Supreme Court Decision on Affirmative Action Means for Climate Equity Policy

Climate justice is racial justice. There is no way to talk about equitable, effective, and just solutions to climate change without also talking about the disproportionate burdens that communities of color shoulder as the planet warms. The legacies of systemic racism and discrimination mea...

Diversity, Equity and Illusions

Black culture has always been a fad amongst white people. For a while we have been what was trending with regard to fashion, politics, art, cuisine and social commentary. We were the delicacies that were often times sampled but never adopted into the concept of American fare. In many ways we are sti...