Diversity, Equity and Illusions

<p>Black culture has always been a fad amongst white people. For a while we have been what was trending with regard to fashion, politics, art, cuisine and social commentary. We were the delicacies that were often times sampled but never adopted into the concept of American fare. In many ways we are still trending on the palates of white American consciousness however, we are simply ornamental hors&rsquo;d&rsquo;oeuvres placed on America&rsquo;s table, good for decoration but never enjoyed as the main course.</p> <p>This can be seen in the recent Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts many organizations, agencies and companies have recently adopted/aborted. These are performative at best and at worst, retraumatizing to those who they are intended to benefit. On the surface the menu says DEI but often times the ingredients are lacking leaving a bad taste in the mouths of most Black, Indigenous People of Color.</p> <p><a href="https://anonymoussoul.medium.com/diversity-equity-and-illusions-f6aef154cb35"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>