Tag: Enough

Dumb Enough to Think She Was Smart Enough to Get Away with Stealing

She wasn’t a teenager. She had teens of her own. Two daughters who went to a private Catholic school. They were a well-respected family in their community. We worked together at a government-run provincial liquor store in Canada. She was the manager’s favourite employee and always pra...

Suddenly, We Don’t Have Enough People

Just a generation or so ago, a book entitled The Population Bomb, by Paul Ehrlich, sold millions of copies, continuing a long tradition of Malthusian doomsday forecasts. Ehrlich predicted that the world would soon be overpopulated, resulting in mass starvation and death. But the dire prediction...

You Are Enough: Understanding It’s Not About You, It’s Them

If you’re like me, you’ve probably asked yourself, “Am I enough?” I’m here to tell you that if you possess values, morals, ethics, and purpose, you are not only enough, but you are more than enough. There’s a metaphor in Arabic that, when roughly translated, me...

When Good Enough is Better Than Perfect

My late father worked as hard as anyone I know throughout his 85 years on this planet. As a small-business owner, self-taught engineer and hands-on builder of his own manufacturing equipment, he put in long hours and worked weekends when needed, while somehow spending a crazy amount of time rac...

Can Anyone Get Rich if They Work Hard Enough?

People have different understandings of “getting rich” and “working hard.” Some individuals associate wealth with the ability to drive high-end cars like Audi and Mercedes with no minimal effort. After a while, these people put their lives into autopilot mode and...

Knowing You Have to Change Isn’t Enough

In my last post I talked about how leaders need to change if they want their organisations to change. I think most leaders on the wrong side of change know something has to be different, but what, exactly? And how? It is not enough to know we need to change; we must also know what to change to, a...

The WSUS is not enough

Some organizations run Windows clients in an “air gapped” environment, where there is either no Internet connection at all, or a heavily restricted one that goes through a proxy server. This is usually done for security reasons or to restrict the user (e. g. in schools). For updating ...

$15,000 a Month in Take Home Pay Isn’t Enough Money To Live Well

As I detailed in a recent Medium article, there’s something seriously wrong if you barely get by on a $300,000 annual salary — about $15,000 a month in take home pay — even in San Francisco. At least based on what a personal finance blogger reported, enough people cited $30...

Am I saving enough to retire?

Retirement is the ever-elusive goal. You might say to yourself, “Self, I’m living comfortably now, as a 25-year-old adult, on my $50,000 annual salary. I’d like to maintain this standard of living when I’m old, too.” But the effects of inflation compound; because the wo...

My Feelings Are Enough to Prove My Womanhood

You can’t debate this. They really don’t care. TERFs won’t accept any logic, data or proof you give. Every time you give them something, they just raise the standard for proof even higher and there’s no limit. This is feelings not facts. Fears and disgust, not logic. ...