Tag: Ego

Subsidence of an Ego

Ahh, the music. “Creeping death” by Metallica blares from my Bluetooth speaker as I sip my morning coffee. The cryptic melodies and dark lyrics light my brain I’m sure, unfortunately I don't have a brain scan handy. My Spotify aptly follows the face melting ...

Subsidence of an Ego

Ahh, the music. “Creeping death” by Metallica blares from my Bluetooth speaker as I sip my morning coffee. The cryptic melodies and dark lyrics light my brain I’m sure, unfortunately I don't have a brain scan handy. My Spotify aptly follows the face melting ...

Success and Ego: Unveiling the Realities Behind an NFT Adventure

Part 1: A Stone That Didn’t Kill the Crypto Superman Let’s rewind to the moment my partner (now my spouse) and I first stumbled upon NFTs. We were thrilled at the idea that artists, like us, who were not willing to compromise their integrity to climb the social ladder could find a pla...

Let’s Trounce the Ego

During the pandemic I took a deep dive into the podcast world. I listened, and watched, and noticed my preoccupation with various types of scientists, and deep thinkers – not to mention comedians, which, in my opinion, are some of the best barometers of the human condition. I noticed a th...

Ego Su Eimi

Through the use of these techniques (setting aside whether we call them “meditation,” “contemplation,” “prayer,” etc.), regardless of one’s particular religious tradition, practitioners have triggered otherwise atypical experiences that are characterized by ...

How Your Boosted Ego Can Fall so Fast. Human Design Weekly Impact

Similar to the Astrology forecast, Gates that transit the Sun on the Human Design Mandala impact our energies at about 70% of the neutrino influence. The neutrinos are the tiny mass-less particles that carry the energy of the Planet’s and moments down into our energy bodies. This energy ...

If Your Ego Is Panicking, That’s A Sign You’re on The Right Path

Have you ever felt like you’re caught in a tug-of-war between the person you are and the person you aspire to be? I certainly have. That’s because, with each stride towards growth and change, we’re essentially challenging the existing narrative of who we are and what we’re...

Can you survive a total ego death?

As the psychedelic renaissance is thriving and meditation retreats have gained some popularity, the term ego death has also entered the more common awareness. You might have come across people sharing their bizarre experiences on shroom trips or powerful changes to their mentality caused b...

Temazcal: A Mayan Tradition Ego Death’s a Celt

I share this as a reminder that there exists a boundless cultural history of healing methodology to be explored. Howler monkeys wake us on the volcanic island we reside. Dried leaves sprawl a bamboo cabin, tangled in a mosquito net, we scratch our bites. I spot a Tarantula. “I&rsqu...