Tag: Economics

The Economics of Life and the Economics of Death

What do you see when look around the world today? Are you instantly a little exhausted just scanning the headlines? I am. Here’s what I see. I see a planet scarred and broken. Whose lungs are black and whose bones are melting. Ravaged and raped by centuries of exploitation, treated like ano...

The Economics of Life and the Economics of Death

What do you see when look around the world today? Are you instantly a little exhausted just scanning the headlines? I am. Here’s what I see. I see a planet scarred and broken. Whose lungs are black and whose bones are melting. Ravaged and raped by centuries of exploitation, treated like ano...

Trans economics: The cost of transition

When exclusionary feminists demand that we consider the kids and stop child mutilation, they forget that most trans adults have the similar narrative: they knew their gender identity from an early age and if they could have transitioned young they would have. That most trans folk do not is...

The Fundamental Flaw in Economics

Last week, I got the joy of watching a dear friend defend his PhD dissertation. Now, like the mother of an honor’s student, I can proudly slap a bumper sticker on my van that reads, “My Old Roommate Is a Doctor of Philosophy in Ecological Economics.” You hear that? Doctor. ...

Populist Governments Suck at Economics

Populists are “good” at politics, but horrible at economics. In an article by the American Economics Association, https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.20202045, the price of populist governments averaged over 51 populist governments resulted in a 10% drop in GDP for those ...

Mathematics in Economics: a Defense of Early Learning

A text directed to my younger self when he was just starting his undergraduate degree in Economics. The depth and reach of Mathematics in Economics were unimaginable to him back there. Besides, this text is directed to anyone starting to study Economics seriously who may doubt the relevance of Mathe...

Thinking of Economics in A New Light As a Beginner to the Field

Onepisode fifty-two of the podcast, “Think Like an Economist,” the podcast hosts presented the topic of conversation on viewing economics as how people make decisions. Until the overwhelming data that is attainable at almost every source we now have today was present, data used to be ver...

The Illusion of Paper Wealth: Unmasking the Fallout of Artificial Economics

Reviving the Vedic Economic Paradigm for a Sustainable and Equitable Future *Artificial economics is responsible for all the problems i.e. cow slaughter, pollution, food shortage, diseases, crimes etc etc.* Real money is land and cows. They created paper money to exploit nature. We shou...

Behavioral Economics: Correcting a Problem Economics Does Not Have

Foster turns his attention to the field of Behavioral Economics that gained a lot of attention in the early 2000’s. However, it is clear Foster is unimpressed. Two psychologists kicked the field off, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Their early work in 1979 covered pros...

BEYOND ECONOMICS. Integrity in an age of complexity.

Newer economic principles. In this paper we want to state two principles, which we believe to be very important for the modern world but, yet, unrecognized as such. These two points are the one that we call:1) Death of industry, and 2) End of economics. We will explain them in the following pa...

Economics for Business: The Basics

Economics is an essential field for understanding how businesses operate, how they interact with their environment, and how they make decisions. A good understanding of economics can help business owners and managers make better decisions, anticipate market changes, and manage risks more effectively...

LLM Economics: ChatGPT vs Open-Source

TLDR: For lower usage in the 1000’s of requests per day range ChatGPT works out cheaper than using open-sourced LLMs deployed to AWS. For millions of requests per day, open-sourced models deployed in AWS work out cheaper. (As of writing this article on April 24th, 2023.) Large Lan...

Meet the roaster bringing Vietnamese coffee and circular economics to Sydney

Luckily for us, we’re in the privileged position of being able to watch smart and creative people build coffee businesses from scratch. Nothing is more exciting than seeing ideas that never would have occurred to us long-time industry folk being conjured up and realised by new entrants in our ...

Mr Micawber and the Ethical Dimension of Economics

It is possible to state the most basic of economic principles in terms of simple arithmetic. Few have expressed it better than Dickens, through the words of his character Mr Micawber, in his advice to the young David Copperfield. Joseph, in the old testament, offered related advice to the leaders...

Monopoly: A Reflection of Real-World Economics in Play

The popular board game Monopoly is noted for its brightly colored property cards, metallic playing pieces, and frenzied exchange of play money. It’s more than simply a game of chance and strategy; it’s also strikingly analogous to our real-world economy. Monopoly players go through econo...

The Insane Economics Behind the Idea of Retirement on This Island

Why Retire in Jamaica? With a pleasant climate and an easygoing lifestyle, one could look for more about retiring in Jamaica and ask if it is a good place to live during the golden years. The country has excellent cuisine, breathtaking natural wonders, and affordable housing options. It’...

The Secret to Happiness: Where Buddhism and Behavioral Economics Meet

Humans often disagree on most things: from arguing over the best restaurant in town to the greatest footballer ever. However, most humans — ancient or modern, from the East or the West, living in the mountains or deserts — would agree that the ultimate purpose of any human endeavor is to...


Feminist perspectives in the universe of academia, research, and social sciences — such as history and economics — start from an extremely simple operation: paying attention to voices, subjects and experiences that have been made invisible, have been forgotten, or undervalued due to thei...

The Nobel Prize Winner in Economics Busts the Wage Gap Myth

I often get asked the same question in interviews — “Why did you become an author?” If the question is asked in a print or radio interview, I trot out the same canned response like a well-trained pony. But if the question is asked in a TV interview…I am in trouble. I a...

Impact of Diesel Price Fluctuations on Trucking Economics

In recent months, the trucking industry has experienced a noticeable sigh of relief as diesel prices took an unexpected dip. For companies that have been grappling with the uphill battle of rising operational costs, this downturn has been akin to a refreshing breeze on a hot summer day. The impact o...

Ideal Cannabis Economics Part 3: Retail

Cannabis retail as we know it didn’t really exist before legalization. The predecessors to today’s retailers were medical collectives that operated under Prop 215 or in legal gray areas to serve patients. These ranged from pharmacy-like settings with a strong medical approach, to casual ...

The Economics of Sneaker Reselling

The Supply and Demand Dance: At the heart of sneaker reselling lies the fundamental economic principle of supply and demand. Limited production runs, exclusive collaborations, and carefully curated releases create scarcity, driving up demand for certain pairs. The result? A secondary market where...