The Nobel Prize Winner in Economics Busts the Wage Gap Myth

<p>I often get asked the same question in interviews &mdash; &ldquo;Why did you become an author?&rdquo; If the question is asked in a print or radio interview, I trot out the same canned response like a well-trained pony.</p> <p>But if the question is asked in a TV interview&hellip;I am in trouble.</p> <p>I am in trouble because anyone with two eyes can see when I am lying.</p> <p><strong>So here&rsquo;s the truth. I became an author because of the wage gap.</strong></p> <p>No, it wasn&rsquo;t because I was paid less than the men in my advertising agency. Wage discrimination is not the smoking gun feminists continue to arm themselves with.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>