Tag: Drinking

The Reasons Why We Drink and How Understanding Them Can Help Us Change

Let’s face it: conversations about alcohol often tread a fine line between casual acceptance and taboo. I believe it’s high time we normalize talking about why we drink. Exactly a year ago, I quit drinking, managing to stay sober for 11 months. But then, life happened — I went t...

Why Losing Weight Will Be Harder For Me Than Quitting Drinking

Hello, everyone. Happy Friday. I do love Fridays, for all the obvious reasons. Way back when, I used to love Fridays because it was “party night” — the night to let loose after a long week of work and/or parenting. These Friday nights often began for me around dinnertime, whe...

I stopped drinking coffee. Here’s what I notice.

Recently, I told almost everyone in my surroundings a big news. You know, the kind of news when everyone covers their mouth, gasps, and looks at you with that weird look. Eyes wide open. The sort of news when they say: “Really? Why? Are you alright? That doesn’t seem normal.” We...

Why I Ditched Drinking And Partying

Does the idea of crowded bars, small talk, and wild parties leave you feeling disinterested? Same! This standard script of modern-day entertainment doesn’t do it for everyone and that’s ok. I forced that lifestyle unto myself a couple of times and it almost always ended up in disaster. ...

Why Every Traveller Should Experience Drinking Alone

Whoever said you shouldn’t drink alone clearly has never been to Tokyo. The city feels like it was made for it, what with a plethora of small, intimate bars, sometimes with no more than five or six seats and that’s if you’re lucky enough to get a seat in the first place. Most of th...

The Subtle Path from Casual Drinking to Alcoholism

Every individual who succumbs to alcoholism begins their journey in an unassuming manner: casual drinking. It may start with an innocent curiosity, a seemingly harmless question, “How much alcohol could I handle?” Photo by Taylor Brandon on Unsplash For many, it ...

4 Things That Didn’t Happen When I Stopped Drinking

I was 13 when I got drunk for the first time. Far from being proud of it, just stating a fact. Back then, I thought it was an absolutely normal age to start partying, but now that I’m 30, seeing 13-year-old kids on the streets makes me rethink my life choices. I mean, just look at them...

Here’s Why You Should *NOT* Stop Drinking Alcohol

There was a time I thought the world was a cruel, heartless place. That it was full of judgment and disappointment. I was convinced that everyone was looking down on me. Judging me for my flaws and imperfections. This self-deprecating mindset stemmed from a childhood filled with criticism. And...

Why Quit Drinking?

Why one should quit drinking might seem like a no-brainer, because, duh, why wouldn’t you want to get sober? The most recent numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put alcohol related deaths in the United States at 178,000 during a year long period in 2020–2021. That...

What Young People Need to Know About Binge-Drinking

You only live once, or YOLO is a popular thought pattern and expression for young people. It often gets applied to a lot of fun and adventurous things, like partying and binge drinking. I remember it well. From my early teens until my early forties, I binged alcohol regularly. My pattern would be to...


This is a good question and one that I am currently struggling with. I’ve learned much on my sober curious journey and one of the biggest is that going alcohol-free can lead to what appears to be boredom in the beginning. I can totally relate to this and had been curious as to why, when ...

America Has a Drinking Alone Problem

Ilike to drink. Some nights I drink too much. Some months I drink too much. March of 2020 was one of those months. Confronted by a new virus and unprecedented lockdowns, a lot of Americans leaned on alcohol for support, and I was one of them. Average per-person alcohol sales soared...