America Has a Drinking Alone Problem

<p>Ilike to drink. Some nights I drink too much. Some&nbsp;<em>months</em>&nbsp;I drink too much. March of 2020 was one of those months.</p> <p>Confronted by a new virus and unprecedented lockdowns, a lot of Americans leaned on alcohol for support, and I was one of them. Average per-person alcohol sales&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">soared</a>&nbsp;during the first months of the pandemic and continued rising for much of the following year. My own drinking swelled to a couple glasses of wine most nights of the week, with a cocktail thrown in now and then; nothing crazy, but enough that I worried about it and made a conscious (and successful) effort to drink less.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>