Tag: dogs

The destruction of journalism, amidst a pack of dogs stands a Tiger

Journalism I feel is a very essential stakeholder in a democratic setup. Without journalists who are the real armed stallions, the powerful elite and fictitiously imbued criminals will rule the political space. But Is Journalism the type of work that we imagined to be, exist now? If not, then there ...

For the Love of Dogs

Isak first came to know dogs when he found a stray German Shepherd on the streets of the small Wisconsin town where he grew up. The dog had been abandoned because it was dying of distemper. Eight year old Isak took the dog in. He grew up in poverty and lived in the kind of place where you could h...

Did I Tell You That I Love Dogs?

Photography Dog Love-Dog Joy shows up in my photography. That’s Scampi pictured above. She was my rescue Jack Russell Terrier. The timing was perfect for me to capture this. Silly girl with that trickster grin. Jacks are like that. Intelligent, funny, intense, loyal. She was short, bu...

Attacked by Dogs in Greece

It was around midnight in Athens. We had just gone to eat with a Dutch friend and decided to go home walking through Filopappou Hill. The night was pleasant. 20°C and the park was quiet. In the darkness, we could not see much. Only the moon in the clear sky was illuminating our path....

Why cats and dogs don’t get along?

I bet that you once woke up in the middle of the night and the reason was simply a loud fight between a dog and a cat (usually, you can’t do anything about it and you wait for them until they end their fight). It seems that the relationship between those 2 species is always antagonistic and th...

The stray dogs of India

India’s stray dogs seemed blessed with the gift of teleportation. I would see a dog near the hotel, and then across town I would see the very same dog, lounging on the hot pavement. The next day I’d see the dog again in yet another part of town, this time rolling around in a dusty alleyw...

I Survived the Feral Dogs of Hong Kong

When I lived in Hong Kong, I would sometimes hike up to The Peak, the highest point of the many hills on Hong Kong Island. It’s home to some of the swankiest residences in the territory, a holdover from colonial days when the ruling Brits would sit on their porches drinking Pimm’s C...

Big Dogs, Big City

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a big dog person. This is to be taken in the most literal sense. I’m a big dog person. I like a dog that weighs in at at least 100 pounds. My first (and best ever) dog, Rex, was a modest eighty pounds, but my dogs since then have bee...

African Painted Dogs Could Be Cooked Into Extinction By Climate Change

When people think of animals that could be driven extinct by climate change, they usually think of polar bears and, perhaps these days, emperor penguins, both of which are struggling to survive due to the lack of sea ice at the poles. But a newly published study by a team of researchers based in Gre...

Why Are Somalis Afraid of Dogs?

When I was four years old I had my first encounter with a dog. It was my neighbours black Labrador and it managed to get into a children’s park I was playing in and I immediately started running, and you know what happens when you start running in the presence of a dog? the dog starts to chase...

When Dogs Are Barking

When four dogs set up a howl, I guarantee it will get your attention. The big question, however, is why are your beloved beasties articulating their frustration in the wee hours? The most likely explanation is the tumbling leaf, but there could be a more horrifying cause. You see, most of the tre...

Quiz — How Much Do You Know About Prairie Dogs?

Prairie dogs are interesting but often overlooked animals that live in North America. These creatures stay in tight-knit colonies and even have complex communication systems. Check out this quiz to find out how much you really know about prairie dogs! Click Here

The Importance of Dogs in Hindu Mythology!

Dogs have been referred to as ‘Shvan’ in many Vedic verses and have a deep meaning in Hindu mythology. Right from being worshipped in parts of Sikkim and North Bengal, dogs have been the mounts of fearsome gods like, Kalabhairava. They are also considered protectors of the gates of heave...

The Virtues of Dogs in Islam: Companionship and Service

Dogs, often referred to as “Kalb” in Arabic, hold a unique place in Islam, embodying virtues that extend beyond their roles as companions. While there are guidelines and considerations, the positive aspects of dogs in Islam are worth exploring. Guardianship and Protection In Islami...

Racism Is Like Hot Dogs

Over 100 farmers and others were suing the corporate farms, which housed over 80,000 hogs, because of smell emanating from large lagoons that stored all the hog waste. Some claimed the manure was seeping into the groundwater, too. Back then, most of the documents to review for the case weren&rsqu...

Calling all Lawyer Dogs

Recently, I’ve moved back to Virginia. I was on inactive status with the Virginia bar (because I had been gone for over ten years). I decided to go ahead and become active. This decision cost me 38 hours of CLE (continuing legal education) time to make up for the ones I had not completed in th...

How We Know “Immigration” is a Dog Whistle

I really don’t like it when people immediately assume their ideological opponents are motivated by bigotry. It’s counter-productive. If you want to persuade people, you should assume the best about them, for two reasons. First, people won’t hear you if you lead with accusations ...

The Innocence of Dogs

According to my mother, growing up in Shanghai in the 1930s her father was a great lover of German Shepard dogs. He kept a kennel full of them and my mother came to love these dogs as well. One of them was named Billow. She spoke often of playing with Billow and the other dogs as a young girl in the...