Tag: Discipline

You Don’t Need More Motivation. You Need More Discipline

Most people never realize this. And eventually they quit the game without making any effort to persist and build discipline in their life. That’s the reason why only a FEW PEOPLE are able to reach the TOP of the world. Because they control their lives. By sticking to that discipline. Suc...

These four things will 10x your discipline in a week.

Do you find it hard to be disciplined? I did for years and still do. Here’s what refuels me when discipline is the last thing on my mind: 1. Make the alternative painful. In Roman times, legionnaires developed chiselled, muscular bodies, not because Chad Thundercock on Twitter told them ...

You Don’t Need More Motivation. You Need More Discipline

Motivation gets you started. Discipline keeps you going. Most people never realize this. And eventually they quit the game without making any effort to persist and build discipline in their life. That’s the reason why only a FEW PEOPLE are able to reach the TOP of the world. Because t...

Self-Discipline Tips That Have Helped Me in 2023

Yeah, It’s the half of 2023 already and I am super excited for what the other half brings. If I could rate this half from 1–10, it would be 7. One of the things I have learned for a long time now and practiced so well this year is self-discipline. It is an absolute trait to incul...

Where Do You Stand Among the Four Levels of Self-Discipline?

Ever since childhood, I’ve been rebellious, wanting to break the rules and go beyond boundaries. I believed that I could never maintain discipline for long. However, things changed when multiple adversities struck my life simultaneously, and I took up running seriously. After participating ...

Self-Discipline Tips That Have Helped Me in 2023

Yeah, It’s the half of 2023 already and I am super excited for what the other half brings. If I could rate this half from 1–10, it would be 7. One of the things I have learned for a long time now and practiced so well this year is self-discipline. It is an absolute trait to incul...

Self-Discipline Tips That Have Helped Me in 2023

Yeah, It’s the half of 2023 already and I am super excited for what the other half brings. If I could rate this half from 1–10, it would be 7. One of the things I have learned for a long time now and practiced so well this year is self-discipline. It is an absolute trait to incul...

How to Build Self discipline

Are you tired of setting goals and never quite reaching them? Do you struggle with procrastination, distractions, and lack of motivation? Today, we are diving deep into the art of self-discipline — the secret sauce to achieving your dreams and living a fulfilling life! But first, let&rsq...

“Not a day without a line” — The gentle discipline of drawing every day

When the contemporary British illustrator Ralph Steadman (born 1936) describes his work routine, it resonates with the motto “Not a day without a line”, or in its latin version “Nulla dies sine linea”. It comes from the Ancient Greece painter Apelle (4th century BC), who was ...

The Silent Discipline

You know, Buddhism is a religion based on the principle of non-violence. So, almost no punishment system was established to discipline individuals for bad conduct. Instead, it was always trusting self-improvement, and one was responsible for their progress. However, it was mentioned that a partic...

101 Zen Stories: Story # 22: My Heart Burns Like Fire- Living with Discipline and Care

Soyen Shaku, the first Zen teacher to come to America, said: “My heart burns like fire but my eyes are as cold as dead ashes.” He made the following rules which he practiced every day of his life: - In the morning before dressing, light incense and meditate. - Retire at a regular h...

On Old School Discipline.

The first time I experienced depression was during the summer of my first year at University. It should have been a time when the world was painted in vibrant hues, bursting with life and possibilities. Instead, it felt like my soul bore the crushing weight of lead. I had worked hard to get here and...

Navigating the Intersection of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Machine Learning

Biostatistics, a venerable discipline at the heart of healthcare and biological research, forms the bedrock of rigorous analysis. Without the blues, you can’t have music and without biostatistics, you can’t analyze biological data — not really anyway, not the stuff the really moves...