These four things will 10x your discipline in a week.

<p>Do you find it hard to be disciplined? I did for years and still do. Here&rsquo;s what refuels me when discipline is the last thing on my mind:</p> <h1>1. Make the alternative painful.</h1> <p>In Roman times, legionnaires developed chiselled, muscular bodies, not because Chad Thundercock on Twitter told them to get ripped because &lsquo;girls and stuff,&rsquo; but because they knew they HAD to.</p> <p>It was either face weakness and death in battle or humiliating punishment from their superiors.</p> <p>You will be disciplined when you drastically minimise your options like this. It&rsquo;s do or bust.</p> <p><strong>How to make the alternative painful in the modern age?</strong></p> <ul> <li>Pay an accountability partner money if you fail.</li> <li>Make your progress public, so you avoid falling short when everyone&rsquo;s watching.</li> <li>Burn your ships &mdash; meaning you have no plan B or escape plan. You either succeed or face the pain of defeat.</li> </ul> <p><a href="">Read More</a>&nbsp;</p>