Tag: dirty

Packer within Terraform: the dirty way

When it comes to automating cloud infrastructure deployments, Infrastructure-As-Code (IaC) tools like Terraform really make the developer’s (or DevOps’s) life easier. Just recall how painful it was to replicate complex architectures without relying on terraform modules or bluep...

Dirty Athens

On any given day, within the little concrete jungle of Athens, Georgia and the thick, green overgrowth that surrounds it, bike emerge spontaneously from a bank of the North Oconee River, or pop through woods at the Chase Street loop exit. You would be hard pressed, however, to actually see a trail, ...

Loved that Dirty Wadah

I’m from the Roslindale section of the city. Certainly not the roughest neighborhood in Boston, but not one of the more affluent communities either. We were right about in the middle. Many of us were first or second-generation Americans and a lot of my friends had parents with Irish, Italian, ...

The fight against pollution… and social media dirty tricks

London’s fight against pollution, with the spread of Ultra Low Emissions Zones (ULEZ) throughout the capital, is being met, as in other cities, with strong opposition with a tendency to not play fair. On August 29 this year, London’s Mayor, Labour’s Sadiq Khan, ex...

‘Dirty Hands, Clean Money’

Over that beer, we could talk about the value of honest labor. And maybe, just maybe, he’d agree with me that the rich are sucking the lifeblood out of the poor and that workers need strong unions again. He might stop nodding and smiling once I said we’ve all been worse off since Pres...

English Dirty Words You Should Never Say

All of those lead to profanity if you use them online. Do not use curse words unless you want to be banned fromFacebook or blacklisted by your followers. If they are cocksuckers, they deserve it But if you are just having fun with no personal offense to anyone, it’s okay then. Actually, som...

Dirty Secrets of BookCorpus, a Key Dataset in Machine Learning

BookCorpus has helped train at least thirty influential language models (including Google’s BERT, OpenAI’s GPT, and Amazon’s Bort), according to HuggingFace. But what exactly is inside BookCorpus? This is the research question that Nicholas Vincent&nb...