‘Dirty Hands, Clean Money’

<p>Over that beer, we could talk about the value of honest labor. And maybe, just maybe, he&rsquo;d agree with me that the rich are sucking the lifeblood out of the poor and that workers need strong unions again.</p> <p>He might stop nodding and smiling once I said we&rsquo;ve all been worse off since President Ronald Reagan deliberately started dismantling the middle class. Maybe I could win him back if I quickly blurted out that we all want the same thing here &mdash; to be able to support our families decently and to live our lives freely.</p> <p>But by some of the other stickers on his car &mdash; eagles and flags &mdash; I suspect he&rsquo;d have abandoned both me and his beer by the time I started talking about the dangers of Trump. I&rsquo;m not against eagles or flags, but their presence tends to signal less savory associations.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/minds-without-borders/dirty-hands-clean-money-2af0ddc54e8d"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: dirty Hands