Loved that Dirty Wadah

<p>I&rsquo;m from the Roslindale section of the city. Certainly not the roughest neighborhood in Boston, but not one of the more affluent communities either. We were right about in the middle. Many of us were first or second-generation Americans and a lot of my friends had parents with Irish, Italian, or Greek accents. Rossie was a diverse community, but we didn&#39;t pat ourselves on the back for it. That wouldn&#39;t even have crossed our minds. It just was what it was.</p> <p>The new inhabitants loudly proclaim their penchant for diversity and inclusion while edging everyone under a certain income bracket out of the neighborhood. It&rsquo;s about lip service, not lifestyle. Unapologetic hypocrisy on an epic scale.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: dirty Wadah