Tag: Diary

The Voyager Diary— between escaping and escapism.

There is a self-expression in travelling that the human spirit is barred from in regular life. Much is made of the places you see, of the people that you meet while journeying through this world. Yet I’m not sure that’s where it’s at. The traveler can not be understood through a fe...

GameDev Diary: Bug Fixing, Improving, Coding

Latest improvements in My Video Game Project Hi! As the project went along, a lot of serious bugs. appeared That is why I focused on fixing them in this new 0.5 update. On top of that, I also worked on improving the code structure using a simplified version of “State Machine”. Let&...

Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 10/21/23

It was a nice and normal week on the island, which I was happy about. There was one day when I was very busy so I wasn’t able to do my rounds until very late at night, after the shops had closed. But I thought I’d go and try to catch a fish that I haven’t caught yet because it&rsqu...

Vegan Food Diary: Amsterdam

Here are some of the best spots I’ve found over the last couple of months for vegan fare in Amsterdam! If you’re looking for a cozy Sunday morning brunch, Mr. Stacks is a pancake restaurant with plenty of options for everyone in the group. At this restaurant, the items marke...

Photo Diary: A weekend in Copenhagen, Denmark

In 2017, we ventured to Copenhagen for my birthday, which was also our first time in Scandinavia. We squeezed in as much sightseeing as we possibly into our weekend break with the use/help of Google Trips — I’d definitely recommend using this app for your travel itinerary. Not only ca...

Travel Diary: 3 Days in Copenhagen, Denmark

In September 2019, my boyfriend Andrew and I spent 3 days in Copenhagen, Denmark. Months earlier, we planned to see one of his favorite bands in Boston. I had to cancel, so he went with a friend instead and had an amazing time. He insisted we find a way to see the show together, even if we had to...

[EN] Drone Diary 02 — Greek Orthodox Orphanage, Istanbul — Türkiye

In May 2023, we went on a one-month vacation to Istanbul. On Monday, May 8th, it was a bank holiday in the UK, so we decided to extend the weekend and visit my family living in Heybeliada. On Monday, thinking it would be quieter, we also made a short visit to Büyükada. Since it was May, th...

Urban Diary

Ifeel torn. On the one hand, the challenge by the editors of Globetrotters is right up my street. I love black and white photography and given half a chance I would turn most of my images into slate-grey snaps. On the other hand, we’re enjoying a glorious autumn in good ol’ Londontown.&n...

Daily Diary

Woke up to fog. Thick, deep, impenetrable. Biked to work in record time despite spending most of the time adjusting & readjusting my bottle green suit & leather trench coat combination. Looks great in a snapshot FYI, but damn it’s finicky. Especially on frigid London cycle lanes in mid...

Corona Diary (December 22–28)

I have just found out that on December 8th a 9-year-old kid died from Covid in Querétaro, Mexico. This week was Christmas. It is a pretty big celebration in Mexico, normally including a lot of food and a lot of families. This time, it was only the part of a lot of food, as the majority of ...

Last Diary Entry — Nov. 2022

There were many men in Paris. It is the easiest city I have lived in for meeting men; for starting sexual flings or psuedo-romantic relationships. People come to Paris looking for sex and love. They will throw it, or something like it, at your feet any night of the week from lundi to dimanche....

From Diary, 1997

The ocean crashes and tumbles ashore, angry, restless with itself. I know how the ocean feels. I don’t think any man has ever lived and been loved more but neither has this man been so misunderstood. Hear me, see me, touch me even, but I’m not here. I may as well be dead but of course...

Book Review: Hacker’s Diary

After the poem series Dubai Diaries, it is the turn of another diary — ‘Hacker’s Diary’ by  Adam Prockstem Smith . His book reminds me of the peaceful times in Israel. It is hard to ignore the timing of this review. My heart is with the innocent victims of ...

A Coronavirus Diary 21 — Epilogue

After more than two years of avoiding it — at least as far as I know — I was finally struck down by COVID-19. Stepping out of the shower one Monday evening, I suddenly felt freezing cold. My teeth chattered and I raced to dry myself and put some clothes on. As the evening progressed, I f...

Australia Travel Diary — Part Two: The Heart of the Wilderness

Leaving the urban embrace of Sydney, I venture north, towards the lush, untamed heart of Queensland. My destination is the Daintree Rainforest, a primordial wonderland where nature reigns supreme. I check into the Silky Oaks Lodge, a haven perched on the edge of the Mossman River. The sounds of the ...

The Diary Of A Monk — An Introduction

Iam monk! Of course, what that means will depend on who you are speaking to. If pressed for a specific answer I will offer a somewhat confusing answer to the person asking the question. If it is a somewhat simple conversation I will say that I am a simple person, with few material wants, with a d...

Designer Diary: From Graphic Design To UX Design Through the Transcontinental Quest

Fast forward ten years ago, and picture me as a graphic designer and art director in a noisy communication agency back in 2013 in Russia. My world revolved around commercials, events, branding, and a mishmash of advertisements across various channels. Amongst the chaos, my passion for graphic design...

The end of my academic diary

This is the first academic year when I’m no longer using a paper diary. My scheduling has moved into the cloud. Always in my work bag, following me around, my academic diary is now a ghost of academic years past. The paper-free impulse of interfaces has taken over. The online calendar may b...

Dear Diary, I Hate My Body

If I had a dollar for every time I had thought of or written that phrase down in one of my diaries since I was a child, I would be a millionaire in naira by now. I have always thought I was fat. I can’t think of a time since I’ve been aware of my body that I didn’t think I was f...

Ice Cream Diary 13: En-Croûte

London becomes quieter in the rain. The gentle trickles or hammering downpours swallow the sounds of traffic or tourists as the drains begin overflowing. The romantic lights adorning theatre marquees, neon traffic lights or garish shop fronts reflect in the pools below, illuminating the city from a ...