Urban Diary

<p>Ifeel torn. On the one hand, the challenge by the editors of Globetrotters is right up my street. I love black and white photography and given half a chance I would turn most of my images into slate-grey snaps. On the other hand, we&rsquo;re enjoying a glorious autumn in good ol&rsquo; Londontown.&nbsp;Trees in parks are ablaze in rich yellow-gold, and pavements are flooded with bronze-dark leaves.&nbsp;Switching to monochrome pictures feels like an act of treason against nature. One that should see the culprit hanged from a copper-coloured sycamore.</p> <p>In the end, I relented. I justified my decision by focusing on the meaning of the photos on this most solemn of weekends. On Saturday just gone I was leading a group on a walk towards St Paul&rsquo;s Cathedral (entry is free on Armistice Day, but the only two spaces available for visitors are the ground floor and the crypt) when we accidentally found ourselves in the middle of a crowd as part of the Lord Mayor&rsquo;s Show. Multicoloured floats and traditionally (and not so traditionally) dressed performers filed past us.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/urban-diary-9a5fd1506044"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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