Tag: Developer’s

A Software Developer’s Favorite 5 Drinks

This blog has exclusive and in-depth access to a crack software developer. The Secret Developer has been pulled away from their keyboard for a short discussion about what drinks keep the engine going in the engineer, the Dork in Dvorak. That one doesn’t even make sense...

Web Storage API: A Developer’s Guide to Browser Data Storage

When we see HTML, we see a bunch of tags, elements, and lots of angle brackets but HTML is much more than these things. In recent years of web development, it has emerged as a cornerstone for creating interactive and dynamic web applications. At the root of this innovation lie HTML5 APIs, which prov...

Mastering Remote Work and Time Management: A Developer’s Perspective

The COVID-19 Lockdown Challenge When the Covid-19 lockdown began, it was a unique challenge for everyone. The sudden transition from bustling offices to home offices came with its fair share of challenges. Here’s how we navigated through this period: Establishing a Productive Workspace ...

Game developer’s guide to graphical projections (with video game examples), Part 1: Introduction

TL;DR: This article series explains one of the fundamentals of drawing: how to draw three-dimensional things correctly. It’s an essential skill for artists, but it’s also a great first topic for coders that want to get started with art. Even better, we’ll learn it all by simply loo...

The Indie Game Developer’s Roadmap: From Idea to Success

Indie game development has come a long way in recent years, and the industry continues to thrive with innovative, unique, and engaging games. If you’re an aspiring indie game developer, you’re in an exciting and challenging field. To help you navigate the path to success, we’ve cre...

An Indie Developer’s Guide to Publishers

I’ve made a bunch of indie games over the last 15+ years and have had my fair share of dealings with publishers, and I’ve also heard a LOT about publishers through other indies in private channels. Talking to publishers is one of the things I get the most questions about, even from devel...

Developer’s Commute Newsletter #6 — User’s Prefer Apps Over Websites, Why?

What comes to mind when you hear” Users like apps over websites” Why are apps more popular than websites, yet people don’t have many apps on their phones? It is an interesting dilemma We encounter this dilemma each and every day but we do not think about this consciously. ...