Tag: Dangers

The Dangers of Relying Too Much on Frontend Frameworks - A Short Story

Caught in the Framework Trap: Peter’s Story Meet Peter, an enterprising startup founder who in 2016 was driven by the ambition to develop a groundbreaking web application that could change the world. Peter, an ambitious startup founder Peter, like many of us, believed that the lat...

Dangers of AI in Video Production Part II

I came across this post on LinkedIn that described how AI was used to generate images of Barbie dolls when given countries as prompts. The results were pretty alarming. These results further highlight the flaws in AI with regards to awareness, empathy, and context. The images and vid...

The Dangers of Sharenting: The Dark Side of Growing Up Online

Looking back on these words by Leonard Cohen, we can’t help being struck by the eerie relevance they hold today. Numerous kids have committed suicide because of social media. And this threat is about to become worse. But how did we get here? Why is this acutely relevant in our current AI and m...

The Hidden Dangers of “Feature Overload” in SaaS Products: A Comprehensive Deep Dive

Netflix has fundamentally changed the way we consume media. With its extensive library, you’d think that users would venture into new cinematic experiences regularly. Yet, many of us find comfort in rewatching ‘Friends,’ a show that first aired in the mid-90s. Despite be...

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ — The Dangers of Trumpism in 3 Minutes

Oliver Anthony seems more redheaded rube, fallen from the bed of the turnip truck and into the glaring spotlight of 21st Century viral fame, than musical missionary of the new confederacy. Perhaps he’s some brand of hybrid mutant It doesn’t really matter. Whether Anthony is cr...

The Hidden Dangers of Micromanagement

Are you a supervisor struggling to find the right balance between guidance and autonomy for your team? You’re not alone. Micromanagement is a common issue that can negatively impact team morale and productivity. In this article, we’ll delve into the hidden dangers of micromanagement, she...

On the Dangers of Fighting Antisemitism

The first quote is from Donald J. Trump, in his Executive Order to “Combat the rise of antisemitism.” The second quote was shared by Mike Pence in his statement at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum. The third quote comes from Pastor John Hagee during a “Night to Honor Israe...

Opinion: Homeless and disabled face dangers on street

If you think homelessness sounds like a struggle, imagine undergoing chemotherapy while living on the street. It happens. Homeless people get cancer. A woman named Brittany who did not give her last name appeared before the Denver City Council recently explaining she has only 18 months to li...

U.S. Supreme Court Warning of Dangers Related to AI in the Legal Profession

In the report, Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “For those who cannot afford a lawyer, AI can help…It drives new, highly accessible tools that provide answers to basic questions, including where to find templates and court forms, how to fill them out, and where to bring them for presentatio...

Demographic Dangers & Declining Birth Rates, Part Four: Culture Wars, Morality, & Psychology.

At the end of Part Three of this series I quoted from a Foreign Affairs article by Casey and Nexon who pointed out the many similarities between the fascist regimes of the 1920–30’s and many of today’s right-wing groups and parties. One common theme is the adopt...

To Have Two Is to Have Two Too Many — The Dangers of Bipartisanship

The child in question; The political parties. The reason history is important isn’t so that we live in the past, it’s so that we don’t relive it. The founding fathers warned against the party system, claiming that it would cause division in the country — These guys must&rs...

The Tunnels of All Dangers

The collapse of underground cavities is a concerning phenomenon that attracts significant global attention. The formation and collapse of underground voids can have devastating consequences on infrastructure, human safety, and the environment. It’s crucial to understa...

The Hidden Dangers: Exploring the Serious Side Effects of New Weight Loss Drugs

While the new weight loss medications promise rapid shedding of excess pounds, they often come with a host of severe side effects. In recent years, the emergence of new weight loss drugs has sparked hope for those struggling with obesity, but along with their potential benefits, they bring a set of ...

Ayahuasca, The Pitfalls And Dangers They Don’t Tell You About

It has been a full year since my Ayahuasca experience. The consequences still shock me. I am here to share, for anyone considering Ayahuasca. In the current psychedelic revolution we are now in Ayahuasca has taken off and is becoming increasingly more popular among all ages of people. It is widel...