To Have Two Is to Have Two Too Many — The Dangers of Bipartisanship

<p>The child in question; The political parties. The reason history is important isn&rsquo;t so that we live in the past, it&rsquo;s so that we don&rsquo;t relive it.</p> <p>The founding fathers warned against the party system, claiming that it would cause division in the country &mdash; These guys must&rsquo;ve known what they were talking about!</p> <p>They were&nbsp;<em>not</em>&nbsp;visionaries from the future sent to warn us, they were merely scarred victims of the past.</p> <p>They intentionally didn&rsquo;t form parties because of the precedent experience; &ldquo;Parties and factions are as corrupt as the British monarch system.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>