Opinion: Homeless and disabled face dangers on street

<p>If you think homelessness sounds like a struggle, imagine undergoing chemotherapy while living on the street.</p> <p>It happens. Homeless people get cancer. A woman named Brittany who did not give her last name appeared before the Denver City Council recently&nbsp;<a href="https://original.newsbreak.com/@david-heitz-561257/2708339537423-people-experiencing-homelessness-describe-broken-system-to-council" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">explaining she has only 18 months to live</a>. She currently spends that time unhoused.</p> <p>She said she wants her final days to be happy. But that&rsquo;s difficult with nowhere to go to the bathroom, she said. She said security guards on 16th Street Mall are rude, saying one told her &ldquo;it would be better if the homeless died off.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@davidheitz50/opinion-homeless-and-disabled-face-dangers-on-street-6d3ca2b809a1"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dangers Street