Tag: Dad

5 Big Lessons My Dad Taught Me

Asthe oldest child in my family, I was blessed with a mom and dad who always supported my dreams no matter what. My dad inspired me in so many ways, but most importantly through his positivity and quest to learn new things and to push boundaries. Growing up in a small town on the Jersey Shore,...

That Time My Kid Googled Me and I Was No Longer “Dad”

“Hey Daddy, are you popular?” My eight-year-old daughter ambushed me one Sunday morning, her voice squeaking equally with cheekiness and curiosity. “Huh?” I said, deep in a different thought as I looked up from my phone, half-dazed in a scrolling coma. “Are you fa...

I Love This Story of My Dad

Once a heavy smoker, my dad’s addiction to cigarettes had taken over his life. He smoked countless cigarettes each day and felt like he couldn’t function without them. His lips were dark and the smell of smoke had permeated his skin. He had tried to quit many times, but the addiction alw...

MY DAD SAID “Was I a good dad?”

I went into the care home today and sat with dad. It is very hot in Glasgow at the moment so am all sticky and uncomfortable, but I sat on his bed and held his hand as I always do. He is still mobile but yet shaky and his mind his slowly defrosting but he always knows me. We sat in the quiet, I s...

My Dad And Dilaudid

I had never seen him like that in my whole life, yet he apparently broke his neck when he was a teenager. As we get older, our body really tells us off. Every day, mine gives me the middle finger and now I have seen life kick my dad in the ass. It makes him sick when he sleeps wrong, falls asleep...

In Defense of “Mom” and “Dad”

There is a growing trend of children, especially teens and adult children, calling their parents by their first names. When I was growing up (not that long ago), such a thing was unthinkable. Part of me still wishes it was unthinkable. Call me old-fashioned but I can’t help but be troubled ...

21 Cool Gifts for Your Portuguese Dad

Whether it’s Father’s Day, Christmas or your Dad’s birthday, if you have a Portuguese Dad, there are some really cool, unique gift ideas that he will appreciate or at least get a kick out of. Here are some of our favorites! Gold Galo Hoodie http://ow.ly/jAWt50rkI8s ...