Tag: core

Anduril Interns: Building core tech for 21st century defense

As Kimberly Johnson was thinking about life after the U.S. Army, she became intrigued by user experience and design. “It ticked all my boxes,” Johnson said of the field, which designs software to be efficient and easy to use. It was multidisciplinary and required a diverse skill set. ...

Navigating Java Developer Interviews: Core Concepts, Spring Insights, Design Patterns, Coding

These days, the typical Java developer interview commences with a fundamental exploration of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Core Java concepts. Gradually, the interview process delves into more advanced areas such as frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, Spring Boot, microservices, and best practic...

Implementing Dapr State Management in ASP.NET Core Web APIs

In distributed architectures, we’ll usually have a number of independent stateless services that serve a purpose (set around a domain, such as ordering items, storing items in a catalog, handling authentication etc.) While services should strive to be stateless, there will be some services ...

Real-Time Data Synchronization in ASP.NET Core Using the Outbox Pattern

Real-time data synchronization has become a critical requirement for modern web applications. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore real-time data synchronization using the Outbox Pattern in ASP.NET Core. From understanding the fundamentals to implementing practical example...

Streamlit vs. Taipy — The Ultimate Comparison

In two of my recent articles, I presented a comprehensive overview of Taipy — an open-source tool that streamlines the creation, management, and execution of reliable data-driven pipelines with low code. It comprises of two parts: Taipy Taipy GUI lets you create ...

Environment strategies for growing enterprises

Did you ever struggle in your organisation with a feeling that in many software projects and IT organisations in general, environments seems to be among the most difficult things to get right? And did you ever wonder why it can be so hard? Read on! I have asked myself this question many times and...

In Memory Caching in .NET

In the ever-evolving world of web development, one thing’s for sure: speed matters. And one nifty trick we’ve got up our sleeves to turbocharge our ASP.NET Core apps is caching. In this article, we’re going to take a laid-back stroll through the fascinating world of caching, whi...

Does the Grandeur of Dr. King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech Blind Us to His Core Message?

Bynow lots of people know it was Gospel singer Mahalia Jackson who shouted “Tell them about your dream, Martin!” during the 1963 March on Washington. If it wasn’t for her, one of the most famous speeches in American history might have a lot less famous. And possibly fo...

Core Life Principle: Invest In The Journey And Not The Outcome

The world is constantly urging us to define our lives by the outcomes we achieve. You set a goal for yourself and succeed — life is a blast. If you struggle or fall flat on your face, life is terrible. This model of reality causes us to live on a see-saw of happiness and despair where we sp...

The Core Principles of Effective Leadership: Coaching, Self-Awareness, and Reflection

Any leader’s key focus must be on what makes teams effective. Your leadership needs to do to enable this. A great starting point is, to be honest with yourself; easy, eh? We all remember the feeling of dread immediately after the thrill of a promotion. Your life as a leader sucks; you&rsq...

Sony Has Forgotten Its Core PlayStation Audience…And That’s a Problem

This year will no doubt end up being a wild one for video games, with a number of Game of the Year contenders, several sleeper hits and a big push on the indie front. One company that I feel hasn’t really moved forward for the better, however, is Sony with its PlayStation brand. Don’t...

The Core Pillars of God of War

One of the most important elements that made 2018’s God of War such a successful video game is the carefully balanced level design, which uses the game’s core pillars to deliver a compelling experience for players. Sony Santa Monica’s Rob Davis went deep on all aspec...

Technical Takeaways from Building an Animated Image Carousel on The New York Times iOS Core News App

As an iOS developer at The New York Times, I’ve worked on building features using SwiftUI, Apple’s latest UI framework, in an ecosystem built with its original one, UIKit. Both of these frameworks are used to build iPhone, iPad and Apple TV applications. Our team has turned ...

Core Philosophy in Python

Python is a prevalent programming language designed to be easy to read and write. Python’s developer community adds value to the language by creating all types of modules and making them available to other programmers. Long-time Pythoneer Tim Peters succinctly channels the BDFL’s guid...


The interior of the Earth is made up of a rocky exterior, which includes the mantle and the crust, and is encapsulated around a heavy metallic core. Most geological research focuses on the Earth’s surface, but our knowledge about the core is growing quickly, which is fascinating because it hig...

The 9 core elements of a quality management system (QMS)

Every life science company knows that quality is of the utmost importance, but defining what quality means and aligning that definition to what regulators require and what customers need requires a systematic approach such as a quality management system. A QMS is a set of business processes that ...