Core Life Principle: Invest In The Journey And Not The Outcome

<p>The world is constantly urging us to define our lives by the outcomes we achieve.</p> <p>You set a goal for yourself and succeed &mdash; life is a blast. If you struggle or fall flat on your face, life is terrible. This model of reality causes us to live on a see-saw of happiness and despair where we spend too much time on the despair end of the spectrum.</p> <p>You&rsquo;ve probably heard it countless times but&hellip;</p> <ul> <li>What if we were to shift our focus away from the outcome and instead put our every ounce of energy into the journey itself?</li> <li>Could you imagine a pinnacle level of existence where you are completely detached from all outcomes in life?</li> <li>What if we channeled all our energy into the process and the growth, and the insight that came from it, regardless of whether we succeed or face setbacks?</li> </ul> <p>The question then becomes:&nbsp;<strong>Does it truly matter if I succeed or fail, if the experience was meaningful and it helped me understand myself and the world more deeply and truly?</strong></p> <p>Yes, I&nbsp;<em>can</em>&nbsp;fail and still find truth. And usually, it&rsquo;s often of the deepest variety.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>