Tag: Constant

When Every Day Feels Meh: Making Sense of Constant Unmotivation

Do you wake up in the morning refreshed? Or do you wake up already feeling defeated by your long to-do list? If it’s the latter, you’re not alone. Constant headlines reveal that more adults than ever are struggling with mental health issues, feeling exhausted, or are st...

7 Signs You Care Too Much About People’s Opinions of You

Do you care about other people’s opinions of you? I used to care about those opinions. Caring about that messed me up. I started doubting myself. I began overanalyzing everything, including my behavior and all the conversations I had with others. That was definitely time-consuming and a ...

Change Is the Only Constant

Change… something that most of us are not comfortable with. But why, when is it the most natural thing to happen? We humans expect all our relationships to not change, even after knowing it is impossible. Change is as natural as it can be, nothing will ever remain the same, and you wi...

The Moon: Earth’s Constant Companion

The Moon, at about 27% the diameter of Earth, is a barren, rocky world with a surface scarred by ancient impact craters. Its composition is similar to Earth’s crust, suggesting that the two celestial bodies may share a common origin. However, the Moon’s lack of an atmosphere and liquid w...

What’s Wrong with the Hubble Constant?

It is well known that the Universe is not static; it is constantly expanding, and what’s more, it is accelerating. Currently, the exact mechanism of expansion is unknown, but this acceleration is due to the mysterious “dark energy”. Because of it, all galaxies are moving away from ...

How to Calculate the Equilibrium Constant | Both Kc and Kp

Equilibrium Partial Pressures and Kp Besides being described via equilibrium concentrations, equilibria involving gases can also be described in terms of Equilibrium Partial Pressures, (instead of concentrations). WHY ? Because we can manipulate the Ideal Gas L...

From One Addiction To Another: My Constant Struggle With Moderation

I take the trash out early. Sometimes before it’s full. An empty trash bag is better than seeing the evidence. I can’t let anyone see and I’ve not even admitted this dirty little secret to anyone close to me. Instead, I’m publishing it on the Internet. I’ve strugg...

Social media has ruined most of my 20s. I won’t let it take my 30s too…

In my twenties, social media was my constant companion. It was, on the whole, the first thing I’d look at in the morning and last thing I’d be checking before going to bed. When reflecting on the past, one often looks back through rose tinted glasses. Don’t get me wrong, I ha...