How to Calculate the Equilibrium Constant | Both Kc and Kp

<h1>Equilibrium Partial Pressures and Kp</h1> <p>Besides being described via&nbsp;<em>equilibrium concentrations</em>, equilibria involving&nbsp;<strong>gases</strong>&nbsp;can&nbsp;<em>also</em>&nbsp;be described in terms of&nbsp;<strong>Equilibrium Partial Pressures</strong>, (instead of concentrations).</p> <p><strong><em>WHY ?</em></strong></p> <p>Because we can manipulate the Ideal Gas Law&hellip;</p> <p>&nbsp;Concentration, C, is moles / L , right?</p> <p>&nbsp;And so is &ldquo;n / V&rdquo; in the Ideal Gas Law (moles / L).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>