Tag: Consequences

The Consequences of Eldest Daughter Grooming

Mysister-in-law tried to pay me a compliment last week. She knows I struggle with my family, that I feel invisible and taken for granted. I’m the eldest daughter and that position came with all the typical responsibility and hardship. “It’s not because you’re single and do...

The Most Devastating Health Consequences of Smoking

Smoking is a highly prevalent and dangerous habit that has been linked to a multitude of harmful health effects. Despite widespread awareness of the risks associated with smoking, millions of people around the world continue to smoke. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore in-depth the ten dam...

When I, A Trans Person, Spoke to a Bioethicist About Consequences

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine admits that no Ohio clinic performs gender-affirming surgery on minors. You can listen to him say it on January 5: “there’s very little [evidence] that that is occurring.” Yet at that very hour, he signed an executive order on an &...

Pharmaceutical Ingredient Fraud Leads to Deadly Consequences

In October, it was confirmed that children’s cough syrups were the cause of the illnesses. Investigators suspected the syrups were contaminated with diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol. My food fraud spidey-senses began to tingle and, in Issue 60’s food fraud news, I speculated...

Book Review: “Nine Black Robes: Inside the Supreme Court’s Drive to the Right and Its Historic Consequences”

There’s no question that the Supreme Court, like so many other institutions in the US, is under increasing scrutiny, facing growing skepticism — and sometimes downright hostility — from the broader American public. Many things have contributed to this changing attitude, including M...

Americans Severed Their Connection with Space. And Now We’re Paying the Consequences.

Skyrocketing drug use, hate crimes, political violence, and school shootings—I don’t know what else I’ve left out, but what do all of these have in common? Ultimately, they all have some relationship with meaning-making. For example, it might be hard to see how shooting up a sch...

October 14, 2023’s annular eclipse will have huge consequences 6 months later

It’s been more than two years since Earth last experienced an annular solar eclipse, with the last one occurring on June 10, 2021, but one will happen on our planet over both North and South America on October 14, 2023. Over the span of a few hours, the Moon’s disk will appear to pass in...

Accountability in Our Democratic System: The Framers’ Vision and Constitutional Consequences

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution elucidates the process of impeachment, declaring that the President and other civil officers shall be “removed from office” upon conviction of treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors. However, removal from office is the sole specified p...