Book Review: “Nine Black Robes: Inside the Supreme Court’s Drive to the Right and Its Historic Consequences”

<p>There&rsquo;s no question that the Supreme Court, like so many other institutions in the US, is under increasing scrutiny, facing growing skepticism &mdash; and sometimes downright hostility &mdash; from the broader American public. Many things have contributed to this changing attitude, including Mitch McConnell&rsquo;s stymying of Merrick Garland&rsquo;s nomination, his subsequent hypocrisy in pushing through Amy Coney Barrett&rsquo;s nomination, and the overturning of&nbsp;<em>Roe v. Wade.&nbsp;</em>Now, in Joan Kiskupic&rsquo;s new book,&nbsp;<em>Nine Black Robes: Inside the Supreme Court&rsquo;s Drive to the Right and Its Historic Consequences,&nbsp;</em>we see how today&rsquo;s Court came to be and how its composition, and public attitudes towards it, will have a major role to play in the decades to come.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>