Tag: colonial

Mute stones speak of Germany’s colonial crimes

BERLIN, Germany — Lying alongside tombstones at the Columbiadamm cemetery in Berlin’s Neukölln district sits the Herero stone, splashed in red paint, to symbolize the blood spilled by the Kaiser Franz Guard-Grenadier Regiment Nr. 2. The Herero Stone sitting in the Columb...

Is it decolonial? Or is it colonial appropriation of indigeneity?

Several hundred years after the project first began in earnest, European colonisation of all human cultures continues to be highly successful in bringing about total and complete ethnocide, such that only One World remains: modern Western civilisation’s white supremacy culture. Today it is ...

My Family Is A”Whitewashed” Colonial Creation: On Being The Descendant of Belgian-Congolese “Evolués”

I am African, multi-ethnic, mixed-race (MGM), a colonial creation and a descendant of enslaved Africans both sold outside and inside of the continent. Nothing in the lineage of my family is ordinary. I am neither one thing or the other, and I am all and its opposite. I originally descend from poo...

The god trick in data and design: how we’re replicating colonial ideas in tech

Originally I trained as a designer before retraining in digital anthropology and falling backwards into working with data. In my experience, data and design are seen as pretty separate disciplines on the whole. While there may be respect between the two disciplines, as with many things arty and scie...

Why Did Colonial Men Wear Wigs?

Wigs were a fashionable trend in colonial America in the 18th century. The full-bottomed peruke, as Louis XIV is seen wearing above with its long flowing curls, was at its most popular in Europe in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, but wigs decreased in size toward the end of the 18th century....