My Family Is A”Whitewashed” Colonial Creation: On Being The Descendant of Belgian-Congolese “Evolués”

<p>I am African, multi-ethnic, mixed-race (MGM), a colonial creation and a descendant of enslaved Africans both sold outside and inside of the continent. Nothing in the lineage of my family is ordinary. I am neither one thing or the other, and I am all and its opposite.</p> <p>I originally descend from poor people; from exploited indentured Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Malayan and Indian workers sent to southeast Africa and the Swahili coast, from poor and despised Sicilian and Sardinian farmers, from enslaved Africans sold outside and inside of the continent. This historical violence resulted in the blending of my many races which never allowed me to have a fixed Africanity due to the brutality of history which made me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>