Is it decolonial? Or is it colonial appropriation of indigeneity?

<p>Several hundred years after the project first began in earnest, European colonisation of all human cultures continues to be highly successful in bringing about total and complete ethnocide, such that only One World remains: modern Western civilisation&rsquo;s white supremacy culture.</p> <p>Today it is automated and self-inflicted, maintaining powerful structural mechanisms to self-correct for the continued consolidation of hegemonic and socio-economic power over all living and non-living beings on our dead planet.</p> <p>Dominant and mainstream discourse on decolonisation is no different in falling willing prey to coloniality&rsquo;s offers. The seduction lies in its power to provide safety, security, comfort, validation, renumeration, and &mdash; what a psychopathic narcissistic child throwing a temper tantrum craves most of all &mdash;&nbsp;<em>attention</em>. Coloniality is able to offer such luxuries precisely because it profits through demonising, poisoning and crippling other perspectives.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>