The god trick in data and design: how we’re replicating colonial ideas in tech

<p>Originally I trained as a designer before retraining in digital anthropology and falling backwards into working with data. In my experience, data and design are seen as pretty separate disciplines on the whole. While there may be respect between the two disciplines, as with many things arty and sciencey, they are essentially set up in opposition to each other.</p> <p>User-centered design is currently the predominant design methodology for creating technology. It is efficient in enabling the understanding of everyday human problems, and the creation of empathetic designs that are intuitive and suited to users&rsquo; needs. Data science has evolved into a field and that broadly refers to all the different ways to yield value from data, many of which are critical in the identification, creation and monitisation of digital products and services. But while pictures and numbers may feel distinct, the development of consumer networked technologies has led to a common practice combining the two disciplines.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: colonial ideas