Tag: Cloud

How To Get Started with IaC for Google Cloud

With the advent of Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tools, cloud infrastructure has become more accessible and its setup reproducible. Provider-specific tools like AWS Cloud Formation or provider-agnostic tools like HashiCorp Terraform have since allowed engineers and developers to m...

Your Data’s (Finally) In The Cloud. Now, Stop Acting So On-Prem

Imagine you’ve been building houses with a hammer and nails for most of your career, and I gave you a nail gun. But instead of pressing it to the wood and pulling the trigger, you turn it sideways and hit the nail just like you would as if it were a hammer. You would probably think it&rsquo...


Google Cloud recently conducted its flagship annual technology conference GOOGLE CLOUD NEXT23 at Moscone Center in San Francisco as an in-person event between August 29th and 31st, 2023. Well, it started with the tagline as “The New Google Way to Cloud” & key notes starting from our ...

How to Get Started With Iac for Google Cloud

With the advent of Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tools, cloud infrastructure has become more accessible and its setup reproducible. Provider-specific tools like AWS Cloud Formation or provider-agnostic tools like HashiCorp Terraform have since allowed engineers and developers to m...

Flutter for data engineering and data science!

Flutter is Google’s SDK for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. According to a 2021 developer survey Flutter is the most popular cross-platform framework. Source: https://flutter.dev/ Now, thanks to Flet.d...

Delysium partners with Google Cloud: A Unified Vision for AI-Driven Web3

We’re thrilled to share that Delysium is now an integral part of Google Cloud’s AI & Web3 Startups Program. Together, we’re determined to dismantle traditional Web3 barriers, ensuring that an AI-driven Web3 isn’t just a concept but a tangible reality. With the combined ex...

I Want To Be A Cloud

For so long, I yearned to be a star, one of the stars shining up high in the sky when it’s dark and cold all around, spreading light and warmth in my proximity and twinkling all through the night till morning rays of the sun devour me, my shine lost somewhere in between the sun’s ra...

Become a High-Paid Cloud Engineer: Your Ultimate Guide

Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts and future cloud engineers! If you’re reading this, you’re probably eyeing a career in cloud computing, and let me tell you, you’re aiming high! I’m Usman, and I’ve walked the cloud path, not just as a Senior Cloud Solutions Arch...

T1A Develops Cloud File Transfer Framework to Democratize Data Integration

TL;DR T1A with Customer support (Media domain) developed a Cloud File Transfer Framework that with little cost enabled and democratized Data Integration for Data Analysts with third parties in the organization. Practical Daily Use of the Framework by Analysts Let’s consider the Cloud ...

How to Create a Cloud Resume with AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you ready to take your resume to the next level and leave a lasting impression on potential employers? Discover how to create a dynamic and innovative Cloud Resume using the power of Amazon Web Services (AWS). This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of leveraging AWS services l...

Ransomware in the cloud

Insights from practical experience Our cloud incident response trainings are now available! Background Recently we were engaged by a company after they were targeted by a ransomware attack in their AWS environment. In this blog we want to show you what happened and how we were able to pi...

AWS Cloud Security Checklist (Cloud Security)

Here, you can access a security checklist tailored for the AWS cloud environment. This checklist encompasses a wide range of services, including IAM (Identity and Access Management), EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), EBS (Elastic Blob Storage), ELBv2 (Elastic Load Balancer V2), VPC (Virtual Private Cloud...

I Have Some Good News and Bad News for Your Cloud Metrics

If you’ve ever partnered with AWS when building an application you know that you go through an Infrastructure Event Management (IEM) plan in the weeks leading up to your go-live event. Part of the IEM is walking through all aspects of your application with key personnel from your com...

Cloud and Beyond : AWS Cognito Decoded

In the contemporary digital landscape, user registration and authentication serve as the bedrock of most mobile and web applications. As end-users, we often interface with bespoke solutions tailored for user sign-ups and logins in various apps and websites. This tech blog is specifically tailored fo...

Multi-Cloud Management with Terraform

In an ever-evolving digital, the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” couldn’t ring truer. Especially if you’re dealing with cloud infrastructures. Here’s a that weaves the intricacies of multi-cloud management using a tool many of us adore — Ter...

A Step-by-Step Guide for a Secure SSH Setup As a DevOps and Cloud Engineer.

Introduction In the fast-paced world of DevOps and Cloud Engineering, secure and efficient remote access is paramount. Whether you are managing servers, deploying applications, or automating cloud infrastructure, setting up SSH (Secure Shell) is a fundamental step in ensuring the integrity and co...

Mastering Cloud Resilience: A Blueprint for Cloud Architects

Hello, cloud architects and tech enthusiasts! The art of crafting cloud applications that can weather any storm is both a skill and a science. With close to two decades in the tech industry and having worked at AWS as a Senior Solutions Architect, I’ve seen cloud architecture rise to pro...

How to Land a High-Paying Cloud Job at AWS: An Amazonian’s Perspective

Having walked the halls of AWS as a Senior Solutions Architect and conducted over 80 interviews, I know firsthand the exhilaration and anticipation that comes with the prospect of landing a high-paying job at AWS. The allure of working for this tech giant is undeniable, and I’m here to tell...

Testing Toll SDK deployed on your AWS Cloud

Introduction This guide outlines steps to monitor and test your TollGuru SDK deployment within Kubernetes, ensuring your toll calculation service operates smoothly. We’ll check the pod and service status, then provide a manual testing process to confirm the successful deployment, and finall...

Decoding Cloud SecOps: Implementing ‘Shift Left’ for Infrastructure and IAC — Part 2

In our last post, we talked about ‘Shift Left’ in Cloud SecOps. Now, let’s dive into how to make this approach work in a straightforward way. Photo by Roger Bradshaw on Unsplash 1.The Key Principles of ‘Shift Left’ for Infrastructure and IAC Start E...

5 Free Cloud & DevOps Badges for your Resume in 2023

Welcome to the world of Cloud Computing and DevOps! In order to stay ahead in this competitive market, it’s essential to continuously upgrade your skills and showcase your expertise with certifications and badges. You get these and your resume may look much better. Completing these ce...

AWS Cloud Data Engineering End-to-End Project — EMR, EC2, Glue, S3, Spark, Zeppelin

Overview In this project, we are going to upload a CSV file into an S3 bucket either with automated Python/Shell scripts or manually. We are going to create a corresponding Glue Data Catalog table. The main part will be establishing a new EMR cluster. After creating it, we are going to run a Spar...

Building a Cloud Data Platform

Building a Cloud data platform is not simple, there are several important design considerations to keep in mind. I got an unique opportunity recently to build a greenfield Cloud Data Platform ground up for my company. For background — my company is the carved out Tea business entity of Unileve...

Pack: Dockerfile-less deployment to Kubernetes with Cloud Native Buildpacks

In the ecosystem of containerization, Docker has long been the de facto standard for building and deploying applications. However, the rise of open standards such as the Open Container Initiative (OCI) has paved the way for alternative approaches that offer greater flexibility and simplicity. One...

Coding in the Cloud: A Deep Dive into GitHub Codespaces and their Role in Web Development

GitHub Codespaces is a cloud-based development environment offered by GitHub. It enables developers to access, edit, and collaborate on code directly from the browser, using Visual Studio Code, with seamless integration with GitHub repositories. Codespaces simplifies development workflows, making it...

What Your Competition Doesn’t Want You to Know About Containers and Cloud Native!

The Secret Weapon of Successful Organizations: Containerization and Cloud Native By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of containers and cloud native. They’re the buzzwords of the decade. They’re the trends that are transforming the way we build and run software applications. They...

Automate Deployments for Google Kubernetes Engine with Cloud Build and Helm

Kubernetes is amazing at managing complex applications. But, we human beings tend to have a hard time with complexity. Applications that we deploy in Kubernetes can get very complex. A typical application can have multiple components interconnected with each other to make everything work. Develop...

MKE vs. CNCF: The Evolution from Mirantis Kubernetes Engine to Cloud-Native Standards

Introduction: The Continuous Shift in Container Orchestration The cloud-native landscape is forever evolving, with Kubernetes standing tall as the vanguard of container orchestration. As the cloud-native ecosystem has matured, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has introduced several te...

Cloud Native PostgreSQL: Install Scalable PostgreSQL Distribution on Kubernetes

In a digital ecosystem that is increasingly migrating towards microservices and cloud-native architectures, the need for reliable, scalable, and manageable database solutions is paramount. PostgreSQL, with its robustness, extensibility, and adherence to strict SQL standards, emerges as a dependable ...

Terraform: Deploying Secure, Highly Available, and Fault-Tolerant Cloud Infrastructures

Introduction Having a robust and reliable cloud infrastructure is crucial for businesses to deliver seamless services to their customers. High availability and fault tolerance are two essential components of such an infrastructure. In order to achieve this, many organizations turn to infrastructu...

Google Cloud Recipe — Cloud Run Service — Hello, World!

This recipe uses terraform to deploy a Hello, World! Express web application served from Google Cloud Run, behind a Regional External Application Load Balancer. This recipe aims to comply with data residency requirements. You can check out the source a...

Mastering Multi-Cloud Management with Terraform

Using multiple public clouds like Azure, AWS, and GCP provides flexibility, optimizes costs, and reduces vendor lock-in. However, managing infrastructure and services across diverse cloud platforms can be challenging. Let’s explore how Terraform enables consistent and automated multi-cloud ...

Multi-Cloud Management with Terraform

In an ever-evolving digital, the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” couldn’t ring truer. Especially if you’re dealing with cloud infrastructures. Here’s a that weaves the intricacies of multi-cloud management using a tool many of us adore — Ter...

Terraform on Google Cloud V1.6 — Cloud Run

This is the 7th blog post on series Terraform on Google Cloud and in this blog i will talk about Cloud Run, a managed GCP service to run your stateless, containerized workloads. Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash Before heading into writing Terraform code for cloud run, let me...

Infrastructure As Code + Pipeline: Deployment of Network Resources and Compute in the OCI in a 100% automated way using GitHub, Terraform Cloud and Terraform IaC

A company specializing in luxury furniture sales, needed to provision an infrastructure (Networking + Compute) in the OCI, to host its website called Niture. As a prerequisite for this project, I had to use Infrastructure as Code (IaC). The main IaC tools I used for this project were GitHub,...

Navigating the Cloudscape: My Journey Migrating a Covid-19 Testing Result System to a Multi-Cloud Environment

Introduction When the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe, every industry was forced to adapt rapidly. Hotels were no exception, with guest safety becoming the utmost priority. COVID-19 testing quickly became a part of standard operating procedures, necessitating a reliable, scalable, and secure sy...

Why you need terraform tool for your cloud manage?

Terraform is a widely used Infrastructure as Code (lac) tool that helps manage and provision cloud resources. There are several reasons why you might need Terraform for managing your cloud infrastructure: 1、Delarative Infrastructure: Terraform uses a declarative language to define infrastr...

Simplifying Terraform Backends: Your Cloud Blueprint

Terraform is like the magic wand for building things in the cloud, but it needs a blueprint to work its magic. That’s where Terraform backends come in. Think of them as the special notepads that help Terraform remember what it’s doing in the cloud. What Are Terraform Backends? Terr...

Terraform Cloud Project Bootcamp with Andrew Brown — 2.6.0 Terraform Cloud and Multi Homes

1. Switch back to Terraform Cloud We have been developing and executing locally in Gitpod workspace. In this last episode, Andrew and Andrew walk us through the migration process to move back from the local environment to ‘Terraform Cloud while executing locally’. ...

Unlocking Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform: From Beginner to Multi-Cloud Master

In the ever-evolving world of DevOps and cloud computing, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become an integral part of managing and provisioning infrastructure efficiently. Terraform, a tool developed by HashiCorp, is a key player in the IaC ecosystem. Whether you’re a beginner looking to di...

A Step-by-Step Guide for a Secure SSH Setup As a DevOps and Cloud Engineer.

Introduction In the fast-paced world of DevOps and Cloud Engineering, secure and efficient remote access is paramount. Whether you are managing servers, deploying applications, or automating cloud infrastructure, setting up SSH (Secure Shell) is a fundamental step in ensuring the integrity and co...

GDG Cloud Berlin – August Meetup by Google Developer Groups GDG Cloud Berlin

Aykut will be outlining the process and technology behind Jooli’s innovative mobile shopping experience. Utilizing Google Cloud Platform (GCP), he’ll detail how they developed a cross-platform mobile app using Flutter, which communicates with a Node backend running on Kubernetes. He&rsqu...

AWS Cloud Day Prague 2023: A must-attend event for businesses in the digital age

The event kicked off with a morning keynote from Tibor Kolejak (Senior Director, Enterprise for the Czech Republic & Slovakia at AWS), Clare Liguori (Senior Principal Software Engineer at AWS), and customer speakers. It focused on the current status of cloud adoption in Central Eastern Europe, t...

Google Cloud Day Prague 2023 recap: A day of learning, innovation, and networking

Eager attendees started pouring in even before the event’s official launch at 9 a.m. A quick registration, and afterward, you could grab a coffee or full breakfast, mingle among the growing crowd, and wait for the highly anticipated event to officially start. The morning featured keynote pr...

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Facilitating a Cloud Workshop

When I was asked to be an ambassador for the women friendly hackathon Hack’n’Lead organized by women++, I was immediately convinced by its setup: Preparation events to build skills in advance, on-site mentors during the event, the availability of child-care and the overall focu...

Juro: A fundamentally better way to automate and manage contracts in the Cloud

Juro is an all-in-one, browser-native automation platform which makes contracts frictionless for Legal and other functions, replacing disparate tools (e.g. Word, e-sig, email) and integrating with key SaaS (e.g. Slack, Salesforce). With Juro, contracts are fully digitalised and can be managed entire...

3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Learning Techniques

Point cloud learning has recently attracted attention due to the development of Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality and its wide applications in areas of computer vision, autonomous driving, and robotics. Deep Learning has been successfully used to solve 2D vision problems, however, the use of deep ...

Weavings from the Land in the Cloud

You’ll always find something interesting when meeting the Toraja people who live in the highest mountains of South Sulawesi in Indonesia. The word Toraja comes from the Buginese language phrase to riaja, meaning “people who inhabit the country above.” As you take in the swe...

Post-Cloud Archaeology

Keeping our information on digital media has its costs that can’t be paid forever. At some point the archaeologists will find an information gap from the civilisation that couldn’t find the technology to store its information better than the previous ones who used to use stone, clay, vel...

Floating over Bali on a Little Fluffy Mushroom Cloud

There are definitely healthier ways to spend a Friday night in Seminyak with a guy I met on Tuesday, but at least Adam and I aren’t breaking any laws. He’s even brought along a soft helmet. It probably won’t save my skull if I go flying off the back of his motorbike en route from L...

On Cloud x Loewe — mini review

Life is too short to wear boring outfits. With the On brand, this guy also features On’s trademark high-tech elements as same as normal version, including its zig-zag Missiongrip rubber outsole and Speedboard mid-sole plate so it can offer you a comfort, traction, and support. Nylon upper (...

Introduction to Cloud Computing

As a technocrat, I have been fortunate enough to have witnessed the evolution of computing from bulky desktops to the sleek laptops and mobile devices of today. But even with the advanced hardware that we have today, there are still limitations to what we can do. This is where cloud computing comes ...