Weavings from the Land in the Cloud

<p>You&rsquo;ll always find something interesting when meeting the Toraja people who live in the highest mountains of South Sulawesi in Indonesia. The word Toraja comes from the Buginese language phrase&nbsp;<em>to riaja</em>, meaning &ldquo;people who inhabit the country above.&rdquo;</p> <p>As you take in the sweeping views of ancient limestone outcrops, you&rsquo;ll notice the uniquely shaped&nbsp;<em>tongkonan</em>&nbsp;houses dotting the landscape. While some say the dramatically curved roofs represent buffalo horns, others say that they resemble the ships that Toraja ancestors arrived in. Real buffalo horns and pig jawbones decorate the walls of the&nbsp;<em>tongkonan</em>, along with intricate hand carvings that offer insight into understanding the community&rsquo;s kinship systems<strong>.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://kain-kita.medium.com/weavings-from-the-land-in-the-cloud-465dd2f61fac"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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