Tag: China

China Is Gearing Up To ‘Rip In Trillions Of Dollars’ As The Price Of Bitcoin Swings

The cryptocurrency market has been experiencing significant volatility, with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other top cryptocurrencies swinging wildly in recent times. Speculations about a secret U.S. “alliance to destroy crypto” have added fuel to the fire. Now, as the U.S. Federal Reserve hint...

Not To Choose Between U.S. and China

Lee Kuan Yew, the founder of modern Singapore, had a saying: “when elephants fight, the grass suffers; when elephants make love, the grass also suffers.” The metaphor referred large countries as elephants and small countries as grass. Another well-known saying goes like: “whe...

A Day in the Life of a Concubine in Imperial China

Until the Chinese communist party came to power in 1949, Chinese law mandated that a man could have only one wife but as many concubines as his wealth allowed. This tradition, which can be traced back to the Han Dynasty of 25 AD to 220 AD, evolved over the years but remained a cornerstone of Chin...

Why Does China Want Taiwan?

China is a massive powerhouse and has a grand economy. Why would China want to invade the very small island of Taiwan? It turns out that China has a very long history with Taiwan. China first officially owned the island in the 17th century under the Qing dynasty. But China had relations with Taiwan ...

Biden Forges Anti China Pact

At the G20 summit It’s all about shaping the new world order and distributing power. In the showdown between Washington and Beijing, 80-year-old U.S. President Joe Biden used the G20 summit as a stage to forge an alliance against China. He was joined by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (65,...

China Releases Russian Statistics

Whenever an organization releases statistics, especially organizations that are openly pushing a certain narrative, it’s always interesting to me to figure out what they were thinking when they released it, what they intended it to mean, and what it actually means. China released economic data...

I Survived A Long-Haul Flight On China Airlines — Here’s What It’s Like

I booked a flight to Australia and wondered if it was a mistake. My father laughed when I mentioned I was flying with China Airlines. “You must be joking,” he said. “Why would you fly with China Airlines when you can go with Emirates or Singapore instead?” I replied tha...

Breaking: China Spy Balloon Program Shut Down After February Shoot Down

China appears to have suspended its surveillance balloon program following a major diplomatic incident earlier this year, when one of the country’s high-altitude spy balloons transited the United States, multiple sources familiar with US intelligence assessments told CNN. US offic...

Discovering An Abundance of Street Art In China

Finally, after procrastinating and putting it off for multiple months while I’ve been back in Canada, I dug out my old hard drive that I had stored at my parents. The tote that it was in was buried at the back of their storage unit in their condo parking garage. It seemed a daunting task to...

Gold Coast Street Art Map Of China Town

When hunting Gold Coast street art, it may seem intuitive to go for central areas like surfers paradise. However, it is, in fact, the Southport area — specifically around China Town — that houses the densest collection of street art, with upward of 25 pieces to be found all within a shor...

Hong Kong, China — Women

Hong Kong, a bustling metropolis known for its dynamic blend of Eastern and Western cultures, has been home to a remarkable community of women who have played pivotal roles in shaping the region’s social, economic, and political landscape. These women have exhibited resilience, determination, ...

The Once Upon a Time in China Series

Tsui Hark is the John Ford of Chinese cinema, and Once Upon a Time in China is his Stagecoach. Not only does it redefine a genre on the cusp of its rebirth (in this case the period martial arts film, which had lain dormant through the late 80s much as the Western had been relegated to...

Investor Ray Dalio is Extremely Worried About U.S./China Relations

“That has put me in the privileged and awkward position of being deeply attached to the two greatest powers in the world, which are on the brink of going to war with each other,” Dalio warned. “I am in the middle trying to help both while trying not to hurt either side in the proce...

The China solar vs coal PARADOX . .

Are they a good green player or not? Why the new coal plants as well as solar? China is IMO likely a good green player and ChatGPT-4’s web research largely agrees. Besides, solar-wind-battery is now cheaper than coal plants and operations. They’d be nuts not to. The ke...

Thermoacoustic Stirling Generator Built By China

Despite owning several conventional power generators over many years I didn’t know that Stirling engine electricity generators were built, almost commercially, by Philips. They could not be manufactured cheaply enough to compete with internal combustion models as they face manufacturing challe...

When Christ went to China

When we think of Christian History what easily comes to mind is Israel, Rome and Europe in general… Unless we are talking about modern evangelism, China seems completely removed from the picture. But this is not necessarily the case. It is hard to look at all the striking parallels between...

Nostradamus’ Predictions For 2024: A New Pope And War In China

Nostradamus, a 16th-century French astrologer known as “the prophet of doom”, had made some ominous predictions for 2024. According to his 1555 text “Les Propheties” (“The Prophecies”), this year will bring continued global conflict, including war on the seas, roy...

How Long Does a Ship Take from China to Europe?

China and Europe have a long history of trade and cultural exchange that dates back to ancient times. One of the most famous routes that connected these two regions was the Silk Road, a network of land and sea routes that spanned Asia, Africa, and Europe. The Silk Road facilitated the flow of goods,...

China Protests US Treatment of Students at Entry Points

There are currently around 290,000 Chinese students studying in the U.S., making up approximately one-third of all foreign students in the country. China has the highest number of students studying abroad with over 1.3 million. The Chinese Embassy has made formal representations to the U.S. governme...

Mom’s China Cabinet: The Untouched Museum of Familial Guilt

As I traverse the years, it’s surprising how many memories seem to take up residence in that cabinet. It’s like a Pandora’s box; opening it might unleash all the forgotten family tales and incidents we all subtly choose to ignore. But why? Why does no one touch Mom’s Chi...

America and China Spearheading Technological Advancements for Space Exploration

In the ongoing race to conquer the final frontier, two global superpowers, America and China, are at the forefront of pioneering technological advancements for space exploration. With ambitious missions and groundbreaking innovations, both nations are pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and ca...

The Jiang Shi: Meet the terrifying vampires of China

As in any cultural tradition, China’s legendary monsters will make you cringe, some chronicled in classic horror movies and others captured in vintage manga and comics. But perhaps the most curious is the Jiang Shi, creepy beings that once again make us rethink whether vampires exist&hell...

Space Exploration and Colonization: United States, China, Russia and Others

Space exploration remains dynamic as developments have been ongoing over the years with several countries actively making their contribution to space exploration; and have continued to show interest in the long-term focus on space colonization. Three prominent countries at the fore of space explorat...

Which U.S. medications are manufactured in China?

In the wake of the spread of Coronavirus, many folks are concerned about whether or not their prescription medicines are coming from China. The answer is that over half of the active pharmaceutical ingredients used to make “American drugs” are made in China and India, with more coming fr...

A Day in the Life of a Concubine in Imperial China

Until the Chinese communist party came to power in 1949, Chinese law mandated that a man could have only one wife but as many concubines as his wealth allowed. This tradition, which can be traced back to the Han Dynasty of 25 AD to 220 AD, evolved over the years but remained a cornerstone of Chin...

Why the Republic of China Could Conquer the People’s Republic of China

For people reading this, the Republic of China controlled China loosely from 1911 until it lost control of mainland China due to losing the Chinese Civil War from 1927 to 1949 against Mao Zedong, leader of the Communist Red Army. The Republic of China emerged from the 1911 Chinese revolution...

Traditional China has five thousand years of civilization, why can’t it cultivate one flower of freedom?

While Tocqueville had begun to worry about the tyranny of the majority in democracy, in China, the tyranny of the minority was still “naturally justified”. The reason is simple: “freedom” has always been an unfamiliar concept in Chinese political thought. It is no exagg...

How I defeated the Chinese in China

Travelling in China for the first time, I spoke to everyone in Hindi. After a stressful first day of speaking broken English and masking my accent to try to make myself understood, I realized that speaking calmly in Hindi led to better communication and kept me humane. In the shops, hotels and st...

Experiences Living and Studying in Mainland China

China is a wonderful place to live and study, and is vastly different from living in New Zealand. Below I recall my day to day experiences while I was living and studying in Xiamen, which is on the southeast coast of Mainland China. In 2017, I moved to Xiamen with my now-wife, who is originally f...