China Releases Russian Statistics

<p>Whenever an organization releases statistics, especially organizations that are openly pushing a certain narrative, it&rsquo;s always interesting to me to figure out what they were thinking when they released it, what they intended it to mean, and what it actually means. China released economic data that shows that the average wage in China has surpassed that of the average wage in Russia. The title of the chart says, &ldquo;Average wage, USD per month.&rdquo; The sources listed are the Russian National College of Economics, the Russian Statistics Bureau, the Russian Central Bank, and the National Bureau of Statistics in China. Any statistics reported by either the Russian or the Chinese statistics bureaus should be treated with a heavy dose of skepticism, but let&rsquo;s assume that they are accurate.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*IU-OhKrVVFThJwn6GgDFWw.png" style="height:544px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Why would China report such statistics? There is an infinity of numbers that could be compared to other numbers, but they chose these numbers specifically. Was this a message to BrICS showing how China is the major player? Perhaps it was a message to Russia specifically?</p> <p>Why did they choose to ignore PPP and instead put the comparison in US dollars? Was this a mistake on China&rsquo;s part, accidentally highlighting the fact that meaningful economic statistics have to be portrayed in terms of a meaningful currency? Maybe. Perhaps the data wouldn&rsquo;t show what they wanted it to if converted into Yuan or rubles.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: China Russian