Tag: Challenging

Challenging aesthetic experiences are grounding and mind-expanding

The connection between sublime aesthetic experiences and intuitive insights originates in the sublime moment of breaching. When having a sublime experience, we are momentarily thrown off course. However, even though the momentary disruption can feel challenging and even uncomfortable, the sublime ae...

Challenging Myths — Part 5: Do we really need all these meetings?

or many, “meetings” have gained a negative reputation. They’re often seen as a huge source of waste of time, a distraction from getting real work done. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this. First of all, the meeting experience you face in your particul...

Challenging Conventional Paradigms with Indie Games — Calxylian

The Impact and Significance of Indie Games in Gaming Culture Indie games challenge mainstream culture with their inventive concepts and broad appeal, as evident in titles like Minecraft and Stardew Valley. Lesser-known developers like Lucas Pope and Zachary Barth achieve success th...

The Challenging Development of SuperGiant Games’ Transistor

Recently we took a deep dive into the making of Bastion, a classic story of a dev-team striking gold on their debut. Now we’ll look at the more challenging development process for their follow-up RPG, Transistor. Anything But ‘Bastion 2’ After the release and s...

The State of Samsung: Navigating a Challenging Landscape

Samsung, a household name and tech giant, finds itself at a critical juncture. The company’s financial health is currently under scrutiny as its operating profits have taken a staggering hit, plummeting from just over $10 billion to a mere $490 million over the past year. This represents a har...

Retirement is Challenging Because It’ll Come and We Don’t Know How to Deal with It

I wish I could write and express myself better. That I am not deliberately fearmongering to get clicks. But you may not trust me because I write online, and I need clicks… well… let me say this. No clicks, no reads. But retirement has a natural element of fear baked into the t...

Challenging Racial and Cultural Discrimination

I was deeply impacted by her statement. I can’t imagine what it feels like to face such deep hatred as Jews do on a daily basis. It makes my stomach churn just thinking about it. Like Carol, I too am a freelance writer. I work with a handful of clients scattered around the world, including ...

50 Challenging Problems in Probability [Part 16]: Will Second-Best Be Runner-Up?

Solution: To ensure that the second-best player wins the runner-up cup, they must be placed in a different half of the ladder from the best player. This means that if the best player’s starting number (for the first round) is between 1–4, then the second-best player’s starting n...

Challenging our Charter: Freedom of Thought

When the Canadian Constitution, with its Charter of Rights and Freedoms, was passed in 1982, I doubt if those signing it into law could have possibly known it would be used in a constitutional challenge to legalize Psilocybin as a Freedom of Thought tool in 2024. It was a Mond...

Fashion Industry Trends & Outlook for 2024–25: Navigating a Challenging Era

In 2024, conventional manufacturing and linear supply chains in the fashion industry will evolve significantly. Robots could replace many traditional labor roles, sustainability will be at the core of business strategy, waste will be transformed into raw materials, and data will guide just about eve...