Challenging aesthetic experiences are grounding and mind-expanding

<p>The connection between sublime aesthetic experiences and intuitive insights originates in the sublime moment of breaching. When having a sublime experience, we are momentarily thrown off course. However, even though the momentary disruption can feel challenging and even uncomfortable, the sublime aesthetic experience contains instantly nourishing grounding-qualities.</p> <p>The sublime aesthetic experience is, importantly, an&nbsp;<em>aesthetic&nbsp;</em>experience, which implies that it is not interlinked with real danger. The experience might be extreme; it might dare us or confront us with our fears or prejudices and tear our lifeworld&rsquo;s &ldquo;veil&rdquo; apart momentarily. But it is not an intimidating, frightening, or life-threatening experience. A sublime aesthetic experience is a beautiful experience, just not in the pretty, picturesque, or cozy kind of way. It is therefore characterised by being aesthetically nourishing and allowing us to feel at home in the world (after the initial discomfort of the challenge has been overcome).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>