Retirement is Challenging Because It’ll Come and We Don’t Know How to Deal with It

<p>I wish I could write and express myself better.</p> <p>That I am not deliberately fearmongering to get clicks. But you may not trust me because I write online, and I need clicks&hellip; well&hellip; let me say this.</p> <p>No clicks, no reads.</p> <p>But retirement has a natural element of fear baked into the topic. Like money. Like wealth. Like workplace redundancy.</p> <p>We think we know what will happen. I thought I knew.</p> <p>Then, I realized one thing as I started interviewing real-life retirees.</p> <p>That standard mode of &lsquo;<em>happy ever after&rsquo;</em>&nbsp;retirement does not exist. And if you may, trust me. I wished it did.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>