Challenging Myths — Part 5: Do we really need all these meetings?

<p>or many, &ldquo;meetings&rdquo; have gained a negative reputation. They&rsquo;re often seen as a huge source of waste of time, a distraction from getting real work done. In this article, we&rsquo;ll delve into the reasons behind this.<br /> <br /> First of all, the meeting experience you face in your particular job environment will have a huge effect on how you experience meetings.</p> <h2>Top reasons leading to excessive and dysfunctional meetings</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Lack of trust</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; When there is a lack of trust among team members and stakeholders, it can lead to excessive meetings as a way to micromanage or ensure everyone is on track.</li> <li><strong>Lack of great processes</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; If the existing processes do not support the work being performed in an efficient manner, additional meetings than necessary will be used as a workaround.</li> <li><strong>Lack of clarity</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; If strategy, targets, decisions, or general important information is not in place or not sufficiently communicated, meetings are needed to clarify them.</li> <li><strong>Analysis paralysi</strong>s &mdash; In a culture of over-analyzing decisions, a need for constant validation and consensus lead also to many meetings.</li> <li><strong>Management by committee</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; When decision-making is spread across multiple individuals or teams, it can result in a higher number of meetings to gather input and reach a consensus.</li> <li><strong>Bad Meeting culture</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Lack of ownership to question meetings, attendees, meeting purpose, agenda, etc., can lead to unnecessary meetings with too many participants and insufficient results.</li> </ul> <p>These are obviously bad reasons to run meetings. Instead, the root causes should be solved.<br /> <br /> Still, there are lots of valid reasons why team members, stakeholders, or colleagues should come together at the same time for a common purpose (=Meeting).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>