Tag: Cats

Kuching Kitty-Cats

A few days ago we left Kuching, Malaysia, and said “goodbye” to the Cat. What?? In the Malay language “Kuching” means “cat”. Why name a city Kuching? There are many many explanations for why it is named Kuching but no definite answer. If you do a Google search,...

Why cats and dogs don’t get along?

I bet that you once woke up in the middle of the night and the reason was simply a loud fight between a dog and a cat (usually, you can’t do anything about it and you wait for them until they end their fight). It seems that the relationship between those 2 species is always antagonistic and th...

Glamping with Cats

The majority of the camping I have done over the course of my life has not been glamorous. It would definitely not qualify as “glamping.” I did not grow up in a camping family, and these were not the types of trips we took. When I decided to camp, I had to learn how to do it on my own. ...

The Environmental Pawprint of Cats

Across the world, a killing machine is running a rampage through our wildlife and shows no signs of slowing down. Inhabiting nearly every corner of the globe, these highly adapted creatures can hunt all manner of animals during all times of the day, collectively consume around the same amount of mea...

How Much Do You Know About the Big Cats in the Wild?

The animal kingdom is home to many “big cats” across the world. These cats include lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, snow leopards, cougars, and cheetahs. Many other smaller cats are also in the wild, such as bobcats, ocelots, and lynxes, but we will save those for another day. I made...

Shouldn’t Cats Be Allowed to Hunt?

IN the spirit of full disclosure, let me say right off that I am a wildlife rehabilitator and conservation educator. My primary focus is on helping and preserving wildlife, meaning native animals. My particular specialty is teaching people about reptiles and amphibians, both of which suffe...

The Environmental Pawprint of Cats

Across the world, a killing machine is running a rampage through our wildlife and shows no signs of slowing down. Inhabiting nearly every corner of the globe, these highly adapted creatures can hunt all manner of animals during all times of the day, collectively consume around the same amount of mea...

The World’s Least Deadly Big Cats

Deadly, ferocious felines! Lions, tigers, man-eaters, oh my! We are drawn to the beauty of these peerless predators even as we fixate on their ability to harm us. Naturally, humans are interested in keeping themselves and their families safe and secure, and we are intrigued by power. It makes sense ...

Australia kills millions of feral cats and foxes a year. These conservationists say it’s wrong.

The shearwater washed ashore in big surf. Half-dead, perhaps from a long flight or failed fishing expedition, it staggered up the beach. Most of the other young ones had already taken wing, beginning the 16,000 km odyssey to Alaska’s Aleutian Islands. Their parents had already left weeks earli...

The Secret Powers of Cats

This cat merely has to walk up to its owner every morning, and a sumptuous meal is set, followed by a gentle rub on the back. It’s all because of one thing — cats are cute. A cat's cuteness is one of its secret weapon for manipulating humans into doing its bidding. But then th...

What Makes Clocks And Cats Different?

Let us play a little game. What do clocks and cats have in common? For starters, both transform energy from an input source (batteries for clocks and food for cats) using a chemical process to do work. I would have said “useful work”, but that honor belongs exclusively to clocks. Goin...