What Makes Clocks And Cats Different?

<p>Let us play a little game. What do clocks and cats have in common? For starters, both transform energy from an input source (batteries for clocks and food for cats) using a chemical process to do work. I would have said &ldquo;useful work&rdquo;, but that honor belongs exclusively to clocks.</p> <p>Going from function to form, both clocks and cats share compositional chemical elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, etc. At a finer level, both are made of electrons, protons, neutrons, etc.</p> <p>Even with so much similarity at the micro-level, we note that cats are living beings while clocks are not. Why is this?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/street-science/what-makes-clocks-and-cats-different-36b8a72a92c9"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Clocks Cats